Notes to Pages 37–44 347
to superb remains, that are preserved and accessible, but one has to search for them
among the houses and shopping developments.
10. List of tools, January 20, 1862, Harris Papers, SCL-DU; General Orders No.
36, February 27, 1862, Orders, Rodes’s and Battle’s Brigades, RG109, NARA; Al-
fred L. Rives to Edward P. Alexander, January 25, 1862, M628, RG109, NARA.
11. Cooling, Symbol, Sword, and Shield, 8, 47, 64, 66, 69–71, 113, 239; Hagerman,
‘‘George B. McClellan,’’ 119; Wilson, ‘‘Defenses of Washington,’’ 261, 268; Cooling
and Owen, Mr. Lincoln’s Forts, 3, 5–7; John G. Barnard to Randolph B. Marcy,
January 26, 1863, OR 11(1):106–8; maps of Washington defenses, RG77, Dr. 171-91 to
Dr. 171-102, NARA. I have visited some of the remnants of the Washington fortifica-
tions, but there are a number I missed. Cooling and Owen, Mr. Lincoln’s Forts, is a
superb guide to the remnants as well as an impressive history of the defenses,
complete with many engineer drawings and period photographs. See Bryan, Kelly,
and Lankford, Images from the Storm, 25, for a drawing of Fort Washington.
12. Robert E. Lee to Andrew Talcott, April 29, 1861; Lee to Committee of City
Council, May 11, 1861; and Lee to John Letcher, June 15, 1861, M998, RG109, NARA;
Richard M. Lee, General Lee’s City, 171; ‘‘Talcott, Andrew,’’ in National Cyclopaedia of
American Biography; ‘‘Talcott, Andrew,’’ in Dictionary of American Biography; An-
drew Talcott to Robert E. Lee, May 15, 1861, OR 2:851; Talcott to Lee, May 21, 1861,
OR 2:864; Lee to John Letcher, June 14, 1861, OR 2:926.
13. Thomas, Confederate State of Richmond, 85; Thomas H. Wynne to Leroy P.
Walker, July 11, 1861, OR 51(2):160–61; Walker to Wynne, July 12, 1861, OR
51(2):163–64; Robert S. Garnett to John P. Wilson, May 31, 1861, and Robert E. Lee
to Mayor of Richmond, July 12, 1861, M998, RG109, NARA.
14. Hunt, ‘‘Defending the Citadel of the Confederacy,’’ 306–12.
15. Danville Leadbetter to Secretary of War, October 9, 1861, OR 51(2):338–39;
see also manuscript copy of this report in Letters and Telegrams Sent By the Engi-
neer Bureau of the Confederate War Department, M628, RG109, NARA.
16. Hunt, ‘‘Defending the Citadel of the Confederacy,’’ 306–12; Alfred L. Rives to
John Winder, December 2, 1861, and John J. Clarke to Mr. Gleeson, December 2,
1861, M628, RG109, NARA.
17. William F. Howard, Battle of Ball’s Bluff, introduction, 1, 3; Holien, ‘‘Battle of
Ball’s Bluff,’’ 11–12, 17, 56; Farwell, Ball’s Bluff, 38; field visit to Ball’s Bluff, June 27,
1997. The remnants of the Masked Battery are easily accessible, but the remnants of
Fort Evans are on private property. See Holien, ‘‘Battle of Ball’s Bluff,’’ 56, for a good
modern photograph of its parapet.
18. William F. Howard, Battle of Ball’s Bluff, 4, 9–18, 26, 33, 35, 40–46, 48, 50–51,
55–56; Holien, ‘‘Battle of Ball’s Bluff,’’ 13–14, 18, 52; field visit to Ball’s Bluff, June 28,
1997. A portion of the battlefield is protected in a small regional park.