Integration Questions 377
22. A report indicates that the Friedman test was significant. (a) What does this test
indicate about the design of the study? (b) What does it indicate about the raw
scores? (c) What two procedures do you also expect to be reported? (d) What will
you learn about the relationship?
23. A report indicates that the Wilcoxon test was significant. (a) What does this test
indicate about the design of the study? (b) What does it indicate about the raw
scores? (c) What will you learn about the relationship here?
24. You show participants a picture of a person either smiling, frowning, or smirking.
For each, they indicate whether the person was happy or sad. (a) What are the fac-
tor(s) and level(s) in this design, and (b) What is the dependent variable? (c) How
will you analyze the results? (d) What potential flaw is built into the study in
terms of the statistical errors we may make? (c) When would this flaw be a
concern? (d) How can you eliminate the flaw?
25. Thinking back on the previous few chapters, what three aspects of your
independent variable(s) and one aspect of your dependent variable determine
the specific inferential procedure to perform in a particular experiment?
(Ch’s. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
26. For the following, what inferential statistical procedures should be performed
and what is the key information for answering the research question? Unless
described otherwise, assume scores are parametric. (a) To test the influence of
dietary fat levels on visual accuracy, rats are placed on one of four different
diets. Three weeks later, all are tested for visual accuracy. (b) We measure the
preferences of three groups of students for their classmates after either 1, 5, or
10 weeks into the semester. To be friendly, everyone’s scores are skewed
toward being positive. (c) To examine if body image is related to personality
traits, we measure the self-confidence and degree of obesity in a sample of
adults. (d) We find that among all Americans without marital problems, people
nod their head 32 times during a conversation with a spouse. In a sample of
people having problems, the mean number of nods is only 22, with .
(e) We select 30 left-handed and 30 right-handed men and measure their man-
ual dexterity scores. Ten of each type is tested under either low, medium, or
high illumination levels. (f) Last semester a teacher gave 25 As, 35 Bs, 20 Cs,
10 Ds, and 10 Fs. According to college policy, each grade should occur 20% of
the time. Is the teacher different from the college’s model? (g) We compare the
introversion of two groups of autistic children, one after receiving a new
improved therapy and the other after traditional therapy. (h) To determine if
handedness is related to aphasia, in a sample we count the number of left- and
right-handed individuals and in each group count those who do and do not
exhibit aphasia. (i) We create two groups of 15 participants, who either slept 4
or 8 hours the night before. Then we rank their driving ability. (j) To determine
how colors influence consumer behavior, we compare the mean attractiveness
scores from a group of participants who viewed a product’s label when printed
in red, in green, and in blue. (k) Does chewing gum while taking an exam lead
to better performance? We obtain exam grades for students who do or do not
chew gum during an exam, when the exam is either multiple choice or essay.
(Chs. 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
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