258 CHAPTER 11 / Performing the One-Sample t-Test and Testing Correlation Coefficients
computations should he perform to describe the relationship in these data?
(c) What statistical goal described in this chapter should he be concerned with?
(d) Identify three problems with his study. (e) Why will correcting these problems
improve his study?
17. A scientist suspects that as a person’s stress level changes, so does the amount of
his or her impulse buying. With , his is . (a) What are and ?
(b) With , what is ? (c) Report these results using the correct format.
(d) What conclusions should he draw? (e) What other calculations should be per-
formed to describe the relationship in these data?
18. Foofy computes the correlation between an individual’s physical strength and his
or her college grade point average. Using a computer, the correlation for a sample
of 2000 people is , . She claims this is a useful tool
for predicting which college applicants are likely to succeed academically. Do you
agree or disagree? Why?
19. We study the influence of wearing uniforms in middle school on attitudes toward
achieving good grades. On a national survey, the average attitude score for
students who do not wear uniforms is . A sample of students who wear
uniforms has scores of 8, 12, 10, 9, 6, and 7. Perform all parts of the t-test and
draw the appropriate conclusions.
20. A newspaper article claims that the academic rank of a college is negatively
related to the rank of its football team. From a sample of 28 colleges, you obtain a
correlation coefficient of . (a) Which type of correlation coefficient did you
compute? (b) What are and ? (c) With , what is the critical value?
(d) What should you conclude about the accuracy of the newspaper’s claim?
(e) In predicting a particular school’s academic ranking in your sample, how
important is it that you look at the school’s football ranking?
21. (a) How would you report your results if , , and is
significant? (b) How would you report your results if , , and
is not significant?
22. While reading a published research report, you encounter the following statements.
For each, identify the , the procedure performed and the outcome, the relationship,
and the type of error possibly being made. (a) “When we examined the perceptual
skills data, the mean of 55 for the sample of adolescents differed significantly from
the population mean of 70 for adults, .” (b) “The correlation
between personality type and emotionality, however, was not significantly different
from zero, with , .”
23. You wish to compute the 95% confidence interval for a sample with a of 80.
Using interpolation, determine the that you should use.
24. In a two-tailed test, is 35. (a) Is the of significant? (b) Is the of
25. (a) Why must a relationship be significant to be important? (b) Why can a
relationship be significant and still be unimportant? (Chs. 8, 10, 11)
26. (a) What is the difference between the purpose of descriptive and inferential
statistics? (b) When should you should use a parametric versus a nonparametric
inferential procedure? (Chs. 2, 10)
27. What is the design of the study when we compute the z-test and t-test versus when
we compute a correlation coefficient? (Chs. 2, 7, 10, 11)
p 7 .05r125251.42
t14525 3.76, p 6 .01
N 5 6␣ 5 .05
516.72N 5 43␣ 5 .05
␣ 5 .05H
5 12
p 5 6 .0001r11998251.08
␣ 5 .05
1.38rN 5 72