38 Analytical Techniques for Atmospheric Measurement
of detecting down to the earth’s surface. However, the vertical resolution is poor (often
only a column measurement is possible). Other types of observation are solar, lunar and
stellar occultation, where the light source is viewed directly, and absorption through the
atmosphere is measured. In addition thermal emission from excited molecules in the
atmosphere is observed rather than scattered sunlight. The main disadvantages of satellite
measurements are the poor time resolution for a given location (once per day) and the
bias of the measurements towards clear sky conditions.
Some of the species observed from satellites are listed in Table 1.2. A very compre-
hensive listing of species, together with the satellite platform and instrument used, the
the type of orbit, and the altitude range of the measurement, can be found in Platt &
Stutz (2006). Examples of instruments (satellite in brackets) include the Global Ozone
Monitoring Experiment – 2, GOME-2 (ESA ERS-2), Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas
Experiment II, SAGE II (Earth Radiation Budget Satellite), Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet
Ozone Experiment, SBUV (Nimbus-7), Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for
Atmospheric Cartography, SCIAMACHY (ESA-Envisat), and Total Ozone Monitoring
Spectrometer, TOMS (Earth Probe). The GOME instrument (Burrows et al., 1999) makes
trace gas measurements using four medium resolution spectrometers, in the range of
290–790 nm, each with 1024 channels. The reflected sunlight from the atmosphere is
analysed in nadir mode using the DOAS technique (Chapter 3), and column densities of
, BrO, OClO, SO
O, O
and O
(the weakly bound O
van der Waals dimer) are
reported every 1.5 s. A scanning mirror moving perpendicular to the direction of travel of
the satellite directs light into the spectrometer, and for each spectrum the ‘ground pixel’
(or footprint on the ground) is 320 km ×40 km. The swathe is 960 km wide (3 pixels).
Measurements of stratospheric composition began with O
back in 1970 (with the SBUV
instrument on the Nimbus 4 satellite) and NO
starting in 1979 (Platt & Stutz, 2006).
One of the workhorses over the years has been the TOMS instrument, which measures
the total column of O
, and which first demonstrated clearly the extent of the ozone
hole over Antarctica. The instrument (Heath et al., 1975) consists of a grating UV-visible
spectrometer, and six wavelengths are monitored between 213 and 380 nm, where few
other molecules absorb. A disadvantage is that no measurements are possible for the
polar night, but the instrument can also measure SO
(strong absorption features in the
same spectral region), and has tracked plumes emanating from volcanoes and reaching
the stratosphere. Another example is stratospheric OClO, which is a good indicator of
chlorine activation.
Measurements of trace gases and aerosols in the troposphere from satellites are a more
recent phenomenon, and are much more difficult than those in the upper atmosphere.
The presence of clouds means that virtually all measurements are made using the nadir-
viewing geometry, with poor vertical resolution. Obtaining the tropospheric contribution
to the total column is especially difficult for species that are highly abundant in the
stratosphere, for example O
(only ∼10% of the total column is from the troposphere)
and NO
. For other species, for example HCHO, water vapour and SO
, the column
absorption is dominated by tropospheric contributions. There are several procedures
(retrieval methods) for separating out the ‘stratospheric’ signal for species abundant
in the stratosphere. The multi-step reference sector method (used for NO
) compares
signals from regions where it is known that there are no tropospheric contributions to
the total NO
column with signals from polluted regions, with the difference giving the