UV-Visible Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy 155
collimated light beam, and a receiver, consisting of a telescope coupled to a spectrometer,
and a detector where the dispersed spectrum is recorded. In early DOAS instruments, the
transmitter and the receiver were placed at opposite ends of the light path (Platt et al.,
1979), and a slotted-disk scanning device was employed as a detector in conjunction
with a photomultiplier tube (Platt, 1994). Since the late 1980s, multiplexing detectors
such as the photodiode array (PDA) and the charge coupled device (CCD) have replaced
photomultiplier tubes. Another significant development in DOAS design has been to
place the transmitter and the receiver in the same location, and fold the light path using
a reflector (the total light path is then twice the distance between the DOAS and the
reflector). In order to avoid the technical challenge of pointing a plane mirror with
sufficient accuracy over an optical path of several kilometres, either retro-reflectors (which
contain three mutually orthogonal plane mirrors) or corner-cubes have been used. Both
types of reflectors utilise three internal reflections to return light back to its source with
high accuracy (better than a few arc seconds is necessary if the reflector is more than
2 km from the source). These reflectors also have a large acceptance angle so that accurate
pointing at the source is not necessary.
DOAS instruments using a folded light path have either placed the receiver alongside
the transmitter (Plane & Nien, 1992; Hausmann & Platt, 1994) or combined them in
a coaxial design in a single telescope (Axelsson et al., 1990; Carslaw et al., 1997a; Allan
et al., 1999, 2000a; Saiz-Lopez et al., 2004). There are a number of important reasons
for co-locating the transmitter and the receiver. First, only one location providing shelter
and electrical power is needed, and the reflector can be placed in quite inaccessible
terrain. Second, optimal processing of the atmospheric spectrum requires a spectrum
of the lamp in the transmitter, unattenuated by transmission through the atmosphere
(see p. 157). The lamp spectrum can be recorded on a routine basis by using an optical
bypass to steer the light directly from the lamp to the spectrometer, if they are co-located.
Third, by folding the light the optical path is doubled for the same path through the
atmosphere. This reduces complications that might arise from chemically inhomogeneous
air masses over very long distances. Fourth, there is a reduction in light losses due to
divergence of the light beam because the reflected light converges back to its source.
Also, light losses due to atmospheric scintillations occur on a much slower time scale
than the time taken for the light to be transmitted and reflected. The reflected beam will
therefore follow the same refracted path through the atmosphere and thus losses due to
scintillations will be significantly less than for an unfolded path of double the length.
Finally, the acceptance angle of a retro-reflector or corner-cube is typically about 20
that several DOAS instruments can use the same reflector without significant interference
(Plane & Smith, 1995).
When designing a DOAS instrument there are a number of considerations, such as
the type of lamp, the optimal length of the light path, the choice of spectral resolution
and detector, and the desired degree of automation (Platt, 1994; Plane & Smith, 1995).
The instrument illustrated in Figure 3.3 is a design that we have used in a variety of
remote locations over the past decade (Carslaw et al., 1997a,b; Allan et al., 1999, 2000a,b,
2001; Saiz-Lopez & Plane, 2004; Saiz-Lopez et al., 2004). It employs a coaxial design
with a 32 cm diameter f/6 Newtonian telescope that houses both the transmitting and
the receiving optics. The broadband light beam is powered by a 450 W Xe lamp, housed
on the side of the telescope at the focal point of the spherical primary mirror. The