Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory for Oscillator Strength Distribution 85
4.6 summary
We have presented a theoretical description for the oscillator strength distribution of molecules
for a full spectral region of valence electrons below 100 eV. We rely upon the TDDFT, which is an
extension of the DFT, so as to describe electron dynamics in the rst-principles calculation. We
rst describe a theoretical basis of the TDDFT to calculate the oscillator strength distribution.
We then show the calculated results of the oscillator strength distributions for molecules, taking
diatomic and triatomic molecules—N
, O
, H
O, and CO
; several hydrocarbon molecules of
small and medium size—acetylene, ethylene, benzene, and naphthalene; and fullerene C
as an
example of a large molecule. It has been shown that the TDDFT provides accurate and quantita-
tive descriptions for the oscillator strength distributions of these molecules. Finally, we mention
briey the applications of the TDDFT for other optical quantities, including hyperpolarizabilities,
the optical activities of chiral molecules, and the dielectric function for bulk materials.
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