viii Preface to Second Edition
The Dirac delta function, about which there is a comprehensive discussion
in the book, allows a very smooth transition from multivariable calculus to
the Calculus of Variations, the subject of Chapter 30. This chapter takes
an intuitive approach to the subject: replace the sum by an integral and the
Kronecker delta by the Dirac delta function, and you get from multivariable
calculus to the calculus of variations! Well, the transition may not be as
simple as this, but the heart of the intuitive approach is. Once the transition
is made and the master Euler-Lagrange equation is derived, many examples,
including some with constraint (which use the Lagrange multiplier technique),
and some from electromagnetism and mechanics are presented.
Probability Theory is essential for quantum mechanics and thermody-
namics. This is the subject of Chapter 32. Starting with the basic notion of
the probability space, whose prerequisite is an understanding of elementary
set theory, which is also included, the notion of random variables and its con-
nection to probability is introduced, average and variance are defined, and
binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions are discussed in some detail.
Aside from the above major changes, I have also incorporated some other
important changes including the rearrangement of some chapters, adding new
sections and subsections to some existing chapters (for instance, the dynamics
of fluids in Chapter 15), correcting all the mistakes, both typographic and
conceptual, to which I have been directed by many readers of the first edition,
and adding more problems at the end of each chapter. Stylistically, I thought
splitting the sometimes very long chapters into smaller ones and collecting
the related chapters into Parts make the reading of the text smoother. I hope
I was not wrong!
I would like to thank the many instructors, students, and general readers
who communicated to me comments, suggestions, and errors they found in the
book. Among those, I especially thank Dan Holland for the many discussions
we have had about the book, Rafael Benguria and Gebhard Gr¨ubl for pointing
out some important historical and conceptual mistakes, and Ali Erdem and
Thomas Ferguson for reading multiple chapters of the book, catching many
mistakes, and suggesting ways to improve the presentation of the material.
Jerome Brozek meticulously and diligently read most of the book and found
numerous errors. Although a lawyer by profession, Mr. Brozek, as a hobby,
has a keen interest in mathematical physics. I thank him for this interest and
for putting it to use on my book. Last but not least, I want to thank my
family, especially my wife Sarah for her unwavering support.
Normal, IL
January, 2008