A large proportion of the steel used for cold-formed steel
structures is of the type shown in Figures 2.2 and 2.3. These
steels are high tensile and often have limited ductility as a
result of the manufacturing processes. The question arises
as to what is an adequate ductility when the steel is used in
a structural member including further cold-working of the
corners, perforations such as bolt holes, and welded connec-
tions. Two papers by Dhalla and Winter (Refs. 2.2, 2,3)
attempt to de®ne adequate ductility in this context.
Ductility is de®ned as the ability of a material to
undergo sizable plastic deformation without fracture. It
reduces the harmful effects of stress concentrations and
permits cold-forming of a structural member without
impairment of subsequent structural behavior. A conven-
tional measure of ductility, according to ASTM A370, is the
percent permanent elongation after fracture in a 2-in.
gauge length of a standard tension coupon. For conven-
tional hot-rolled and cold-rolled mild steels, this value is
approximately 20±30%.
A tensile specimen before and after a simple tension
test is shown in Figures 2.4a and 2.4b, respectively. After
testing, the test length of approximately 3 in. has under-
gone a uniform elongation as a result of yielding and strain
hardening. The uniform elongation is taken from the yield
point up to the tensile strength as shown in Figure 2.4c.
After the tensile strength has been reached, necking of the
material occurs over a much shorter length (typically
approximately) as shown in Figure 2.4b and ends when
fracture of the test piece occurs. Elongation in the necking
region is called local elongation. An alternative estimate of
local ductility can be provided by calculating the ratio of the
reduced area at the point of fracture to the original area.
This measure has the advantage that it does not depend on
a gauge length as does local elongation. However, it is more
dif®cult to measure.
Materials and Cold Work of Forming