formed sections and often ensures greater economy than a
heavier section that does not buckle locally.
1.7.3 Effective Width Concept
In the ®rst speci®cation published by the American Iron
and Steel Institute in 1946, steel designers were introduced
to the concept of ``effective width'' of stiffened elements of a
cold-formed section for the ®rst time. The notion that a ¯at
plate could buckle and still have strength leftÐpostbuck-
ling strength as it was calledÐwas a new concept in steel
speci®cations. To have this postbuckling strength required
that the plate be supported along its edges or ``stiffened'' by
some element that was attached at an angle, usually a right
angle. These stiffening elements are achieved in cold-
formed steel by bending the sheet.
Because cold-formed members typically have very
high width-to-thickness ratios, they tend to buckle elasti-
cally under low compressive stress. However, the stiffened
edges of the plate remain stable and a certain width of the
plate close to the corners is still ``effective'' in resisting
further compressive load. The problem is to determine how
much of the original width of the plate is still effective. This
is called ``effective width,'' and formulas for calculating it
were developed under the leadership of Dr. George Winter
at Cornell University in the early 1940s. These effective
width formulas appeared in the ®rst Cold-Formed Speci®-
cation in 1946 and remained unchanged until 1986.
Plates that had a stiffening element on only one edge
were called ``unstiffened.'' These did not require calculation
of an effective width, but were designed on the basis of a
reduced stress.
Until 1986, there were only stiffened and unstiffened
elements. Examples of each are shown in Figure 1.12a. An
element was deemed stiffened if it had an adequate stif-
fener on both edges of the element. The stiffener could be
``edge'' or ``intermediate,'' as shown in Figure 1.12b. The