between the ¯ange and lip stiffener. A minimum also occurs
at a point B at a half-wavelength of 11.0 in. in the mode
shown. This mode is a ¯ange distortional buckling mode
since movement of the line junction between the ¯ange and
lip stiffener occurs without a rigid body rotation or transla-
tion of the cross section. In some papers, this mode is called
a local-torsional mode. The distortional buckling stress at
point B is slightly higher than the local buckling stress at
point A so that when a long-length fully braced section is
subjected to compression, it is likely to undergo local buck-
ling in preference to distortional buckling. As for the
unlipped channel described previously, the section buckles
in a ¯exural or torsional-¯exural buckling mode at long
wavelengths, such as at points C, D, and E in Figure 3.6.
For this particular section, torsional-¯exural buckling
occurs at half-wavelengths up to approximately 71 in.,
beyond which ¯exural buckling occurs.
The results of a stability analysis of Section 2 (Figure
3.5b) subjected to uniform compression are shown in Figure
3.7 and are similar to those in Figure 3.6 for Section 1
(Figure 3.5a). However, the destabilizing in¯uence of the
rear ¯anges has lowered the distortional buckling stress
from 54 ksi for Section 1 to 26 ksi for Section 2. The value of
the distortional buckling stress for Section 2 is suf®ciently
low that distortional buckling will occur before local buck-
ling, and before torsional-¯exural buckling when the
column restraints limit the buckle half-wavelength of the
torsional-¯exural mode to less than 55 in. Hence, the
distortional buckling mode becomes a serious consideration
in the design of such a column. A photograph of a cold-
formed column of a similar type to Section 2 and under-
going distortional buckling is shown in Figure 3.8.
The value of the torsional-¯exural buckling stress,
computed for Section 2 at a half-wavelength of 59 in.
(point D in Figure 3.7), is 13% higher than that for Section
1 at the same half-wavelength (point D in Figure 3.6) since
the section with rear ¯anges is more ef®cient at resisting
Chapter 3