complete section, when divided by the gross area, produced
an area reduction factor called Q
Effective area was not calculated for unstiffened
elements. The lower buckling stress on an unstiffened
element was calculated according to formulas which were
a function of the slenderness of the element. The resulting
stress, when divided by the design stress, usually 0:6F
produced a stress reduction factor, called Q
. The total
reduction on a section in compression was Q
In the 1986 edition of the speci®cation, a major shift in
philosophy was made. Now all compression elements are
treated with an effective width approach, as shown in
Figure 1.12c. There is one basic effective width equation
and the only difference that separates one element from
another is the plate buckling constant, k, which is
discussed in detail in Chapter 4. Even though the speci®ca-
tion still speaks of stiffened and unstiffened elements, most
elements are stiffened to some degree according to their
edge conditions and stress gradients, and one can begin to
think in terms of only one kind of element: a partially
stiffened element, as shown in Figure 1.12d. Q
and Q
no more.
Formerly, in a section such as a channel that has a
¯ange stiffened by a web on one side and a lip on the other,
the ¯ange was considered a stiffened element. Now, there is
a distinction between the ¯ange of a channel and the ¯ange
of a hat section which is attached to webs on both sides. The
channel ¯ange is now called an edge-stiffened element,
while the ¯ange of the hat is still called a stiffened element.
The edge stiffener usually produces effective widths distrib-
uted as shown in Figure 1.12d.
The web of either type of section, which has a portion
of its depth in compression, is also now treated with an
effective width approach, as are all elements with a stress
gradient. The only items that change are the plate buckling
coef®cient (k) and the distribution of the effective widths, as
discussed in Chapter 4.