The predicted failure load is then compared to the experi-
mental failure load of the continuous span test.
The gravity loading series included tests with lateral
restraint only at the rafter supports and tests with lateral
restraint at the rafter supports plus intermediate third-
point restraint. The ratio of actual-to-predicted failure
loads for the three-span continuous tests was 0.87 to 1.02.
The uplift loading tests were also conducted with rafter and
third-point lateral restraints. The ratio of actual-to-
predicted failure loads for the three-span continuous tests
was 0.81 to 1.25.
Section C3.1.4 of the 1996 AISI Speci®cation allowed
the use of the base test method for gravity loading; Supple-
ment No. 1 expands its use to wind uplift loading. The
nominal moment strength of the positive moment regions
for gravity loading or the negative moment regions for
uplift loading is determined by using Eq. (C3.1.4-1) of the
AISI Speci®cation, given as
where R is the reduction factor determined by the ``Base
Test Method for Purlins Supporting a Standing Seam Roof
System,'' Appendix A of AISI Speci®cation Supplement No.
1. The resistance factor (f
) is 0.90, and the factor of safety
) is 1.67.
To determine the relationship for R, six tests are
required for each load direction and for each combination of
panel pro®le, clip con®guration, purlin pro®le, and lateral
bracing layout. A purlin pro®le is de®ned as a set of purlins
with the same depth, ¯ange width, and edge stiffener angle,
but with varying thickness and edge stiffener length. Three
of the tests are conducted with the thinnest material and
three with the thickest material used by the manufacturer
for the purlin pro®le. Components used in the base tests must
be identical to those used in the actual systems. Generally,
the purlins are oriented in the same direction (purlin top
¯anges facing toward the building ridge or toward the
Chapter 10