The resistance factor for use in LRFD with Eq. (9.29) is
speci®ed in Table E3.3-1 of the AISI Speci®cation as 0.60,
and the factor of safety for use in ASD is 2.22. Other cases,
based on the tests summarized in Ref. 9.6, are set out in
Tables E3.3-1 and E3.3-2 of the AISI Speci®cation.
Recent research has been performed at the University
of Sydney by Rogers and Hancock (Ref. 9.7) on bolted
connections of thin G550 (80 ksi) and G300 (44 ksi) sheet
steels in 0.42-mm (0.016 in.) and 0.60-mm (0.024 in.) base
metal thickness. The test results indicate that the connec-
tion provisions described above cannot be used to accu-
rately predict the failure mode of bolted connections from
thin G550 and G300 steels. Furthermore, the design rules
cannot be used to accurately determine the bearing resis-
tance of bolted test specimens based on a failure criterion
for predicted loads. It is necessary to incorporate a variable
resistance equation which is dependent on the thickness of
the connected material similar to CAN=CSA-S136-94 (Ref.
1.6). In addition, the ultimate bearing stress to ultimate
material strength ratios show that a bearing equation
coef®cient of less than 2.0 in Eq. (9.29) may be appropriate
for G550 sheet steels where d=t 5 15.
9.5.3 Net Section Tension Failure (Type III)
If the stresses in the net section are too high, tension
failure of the net section, as shown in Figure 9.10c, may
occur before tearout or bearing failure of the sheet. The
stresses in the net section are dependent upon stress
concentrations adjacent to the bolt holes and hence are a
function of the bolt spacing (s) and the number of bolts, in
addition to the net area and the load in the section.
Consequently, empirical formulae have been developed to
relate the stress in the net section to the above parameters.
For the case of bolts in single shear, the test results
summarized in Ref. 9.6 are shown in Figure 9.12a for
connections with washers, and in Figure 9.12b for connec-
Chapter 9