the end of the test. From these studies, it is apparent that
non-prismatic analysis is appropriate for the design of
continuous Z-purlin lines.
For many years it has been generally accepted that an
in¯ection point is a brace in a Z-purlin line. Work by Yura
(Ref. 10.13) on H-shapes led him to conclude that an
in¯ection point is not a brace point unless both lateral
and torsional movement are prevented. The 1996 AISI
Speci®cation is silent on this issue; however, the expression
for the bending coef®cient, C
(Eq. 5.16), which is depen-
dent on the moment gradient as shown in Figure 5.7, is
included. This expression was adopted from the AISC Load
and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Speci®cation (Ref.
10.14). The Commentary to this speci®cation states that an
in¯ection point cannot be considered a brace point. In the
AISI Design Guide, A Guide For Designing with Standing
Seam Roof Panels (Ref. 10.1), the in¯ection point is not
considered as a brace point and C
is taken as 1.0. In Ref.
10.15, the in¯ection point is considered a brace point and
is taken as 1.75.
Because C- and Z-purlins tend to rotate or move in
opposite directions on each side of an in¯ection point, tests
were conducted by Bryant and Murray (Ref. 10.2) to deter-
mine if in fact an in¯ection point is a brace point in
continuous, gravity-loaded, C- and Z-purlin lines of
through-fastened and standing seam systems. In the
study, instrumentation was used to verify the actual loca-
tion of the in¯ection point as described above and the
lateral movement of the bottom ¯ange of the purlins on
each side of the in¯ection point, as well as near the
maximum location in an exterior span. The results were
compared to movement predicted by ®nite element models
of two of the tests. Both the experimental and analytical
results showed that, although lateral movement did occur
at the in¯ection point, the movement was considerably less
than at other locations along the purlins. The bottom
¯anges on both sides of the in¯ection point moved in the
Roof and Wall Systems