248 X-ray diffraction of polycrystalline materials
and equal angle to the specimen surface as D, the ‘receiving slit’ of the detector (a
proportional counter). The 2θ angle is continuously varied by the source and detector
slit tracking round the arc of a circle centred on (and therefore at a fixed distance from)
the specimen. Figure 10.3(a) shows the situation at a low θ angle and Fig. 10.3(b) shows
the situation at a high θ angle. In some instruments the specimen is fixed and the source
and detector slit rotate in opposite senses; in others the source is fixed and the specimen
and detector slit rotate in the same sense, the detector slit at twice the angular velocity
of the specimen—but the result geometrically is the same.
However, the important point to note is that the polycrystalline specimen as used in
a diffractometer is flat, and not curved to fit the circumference of the focusing circle.
Focusing therefore is not perfect—the reflected beams from across the whole surface of
the specimen do not all converge to the same point: those from the centre converge to a
point a little above those from the edges, as shown in Fig. 10.3(a). The diffractometer is
hence called a semi-focusing X-ray method. In practice the deviation from full focusing
geometry is onlyimportant (in the symmetrical arrangement) atlowθ anglesand in which
a large width of specimen contributes to the reflected beam. It is not however laziness or
experimental difficulty which prevents specimens being made to fit the circumference of
the focusing circle, but the fact that, unlike the situation for the Seeman–Bohlin camera,
the radius of the focusing circle changes with angle as is shown by a comparison with
Figs 10.3(a) and (b).
As pointed out above, in the symmetrical arrangement, in which the specimen surface
makes equal angles to the incident and reflected beams, the only crystal planes which
contribute to the reflections are those which lie (approximately) parallel to the specimen
surface, particularly when the divergence angle of the incident beam, and therefore the
irradiated surface of the specimen, is small. In situations in which the d
of planes which lie at large angles to the specimen surface need to be measured (e.g.
in determining the variation of lattice strains from planes in different orientations), the
specimen is rotated as shown in Fig. 10.3(c); the angle of rotation α is of course (approx-
imately) equal to the angle of the reflecting planes to the specimen surface (Fig. 9.20).
In doing so, however, the symmetrical Bragg–Brentano focusing geometry is lost; the
focusing circle changes both in diameter and position, as shown in Fig. 10.3(c), and
the detector slit is no longer at the approximate line of focus, but in this case beyond
it where the beam diverges and broadens. This deviation from the focusing geometry
may be serious because the observed ‘broadening’ at the detector slit could be misinter-
preted as arising from a variation in reflection angle as a result of a variation in lattice
strain. The problem may be partially overcome in two ways. First, the detector slit may
be moved along a sliding-arm arrangement so as to coincide more precisely with the
line of focus. However, this may itself introduce errors in the angular measurements
because of the difficulty of achieving a precise radial alignment of the slider. Second,
the angular divergence of the incident beam may be restricted to very low values—say
—such that the broadening of the beam at the detector slit is very small, and
this is now the preferred option.
An example of an X-ray diffractometer chart or ‘trace’ for quartz (SiO
) is given in
Fig. 10.4. The d
-spacings and relative intensities of the reflections may be used to
identify the material, as described in Section 10.3 below.