on a less sensitive scale, from studies of peridotites and basalts. Ratios
of Mg/Ni and Fe/Mn in the mantle have been fixed (i.e., 15%) for
the last 3.8 Ga (McDonough and Sun 1995), which is inconsisten t with
significant core-mantle exchange, given the proportions of these ele-
ments in the core and mantle. Likewise, other sensitive element ratios
(e.g., Re/Yb, P/Nd, Mo/Ce, W/Ba) involving siderophile element
(e.g., Re, P, Mo, W) and similarly incomp atible (i.e., elements readily
entering a melt relative to the solid) lithophile elements (e.g., Yb, Ce,
Nd, Ba) show that <0.5% of a core contribution can be incorporated
into the source regions of mid-ocean ridge basalts or intraplate
(plume-derived) basalts. In general, however, models invoking early
growth of the inner core are at odds with findings from power budget
William F. McDonough
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Ty pes of core con vection
There exist primarily two different types of convection taking place in
the Earth ’ s fluid core. The first type is driven by thermal instabilities.
A distribution of heat sources from radioactive elements in the core
can produce a radial temperature gradient d T( r)/dr, where T is the tem-
perature and r is the distance from the core centre. Thermal convection
may occur when the temperature in the core decreases more rapidly
than that of the adiabatic gradient,
; (Eq. 1)
where r is the density of the core, g is the acceleration of gravity,
a is the thermal expansion coefficient, and C
is the specific heat at
constant pressure. The adiabatic gradient in the core is about
0: 1K=km. The unstable stratification described by Eq. (1) offers
buoyancy forces that may drive thermal convection in the fluid core.
This is a necessary condition for thermal instability, which is usually
referred to as Schwarzschild ’s criterion (or the Adams-Williamson con-
dition) (for example, Gubbins and Roberts, 1987). The actual tempera-
ture gradient in the core decreases on approaching the core-mantle
boundary because the gradient required to conduct a given amount of
heat reduces with radius. Except possibly at the top of the core where
the adiabatic gradient is steep as a result of higher g and lower r,
Schwarzschild ’s instability condition is likely to be satisfied in the whole
fluid core. In general, the condition for core convection is that its Ray-
leigh number R defined as
R ¼
; (Eq. 2)
where n is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, r
is the radius of the
fluid core, k is the thermal diffusivity, and b is the superadiabatic
temperature gradient ðd T = d r ðd T = dr Þ
Þ in the core, must be
sufficiently large. In other words, Schwarzschild ’s criterion does not
represent a sufficient condition for thermal convection because of
viscous and magnetic damping in the fluid core. Gubbins (2001 ) esti-
mated that the Rayleigh number for thermal convection in the Earth ’s
core is enormously large, R ¼ 10
, when molecular diffusivities are
used, while turbulent diffusivities give a much lower value with
R ¼ 10
. These values of the Rayleigh number exceed the critical
value for nonmagnetic thermal convection.