Helioseismology 398
Michael J. Thompson
Higgins-Kennedy Paradox 401
Friedrich Busse
Humboldt, Alexander Von (1759–1859) 402
Friedrich Busse
Humboldt, Alexander Von and Magnetic Storms 404
G.S. Lakhina, B.T. Tsurutani, W.D. Gonzalez, and S. Alex
IAGA, International Association of Geomagnetism
and Aeronomy 407
David Kerridge
Ideal Solution Theory 408
Dario Alfè
IGRF, International Geomagnetic Reference Field 411
Susan Macmillan
Induction Arrows 412
Oliver Ritter
Induction from Satellite Data 413
Steven Constable
Inhomogeneous Boundary Conditions and the Dynamo 416
Keke Zhang
Inner Core Anisotropy 418
Xiaodong Song
Inner Core Composition 420
Lidunka Vočadlo
Inner Core Oscillation 422
Keith Aldridge
Inner Core Rotation 423
Paul G. Richards and Anyi Li
Inner Core Rotational Dynamics 425
Michael G. Rochester
Inner Core Seismic Velocities 427
Annie Souriau
Inner Core Tangent Cylinder 430
Rainer Hollerbach and David Gubbins
Inner Core, PKJKP 433
Hanneke Paulssen
Instrumentation, History of 434
Gregory A. Good
Interiors of Planets and Satellites 439
Gerald Schubert
Internal External Field Separation 448
Denis Winch
Ionosphere 452
Arthur D. Richmond
Iron Sulfides 454
Leonardo Sagnotti
Jesuits, Role in Geomagnetism 460
Agustín Udías
Kircher, Athanasius (1602–1680) 463
Oriol Cardus
Langel, Robert A. (1937–2000) 465
Michael E. Purucker
Laplace's Equation, Uniqueness of Solutions 466
David Gubbins
Larmor, Joseph (1857–1942) 468
David Gubbins
Lehmann, Inge (1888–1993) 468
David Gubbins
Length of Day Variations, Decadal 469
Richard Holme
Length of Day Variations, Long-Term 471
L.V. Morrison and F.R. Stephenson
Lloyd, Humphrey (1808–1881) 472
Deanis Weaire and J.M.D. Coey
Magnetic Anisotropy, Sedimentary Rocks and Strain Alteration 475
Peter D. Weiler
Magnetic Anomalies for Geology and Resources 477
Colin Reeves and Juha V. Korhonen
Magnetic Anomalies, Long Wavelength 481
Michael E. Purucker
Magnetic Anomalies, Marine 483
James R. Heirtzler
Magnetic Anomalies, Modeling 485
Jafar Arkani-Hamed
Magnetic Domains 490
Susan L. Halgedahl
Magnetic Field of Mars 502
Jafar Arkani-Hamed
Magnetic Field of Sun 505
Steven M. Tobias
Magnetic Indices 509
Jeffrey J. Love and K.J. Remick
Magnetic Mineralogy, Changes due to Heating 512
Bernard Henry
Magnetic Properties, Low-Temperature 515
Andrei Kosterov
Magnetic Proxy Parameters 525
Mark J. Dekkers
Magnetic Remanence, Anisotropy 535
Ann M. Hirt
Magnetic Shielding 540
Gary R. Scott
Magnetic Surveys, Marine 542
Maurice A. Tivey
Magnetic Susceptibility, Anisotropy 546
František Hrouda
Magnetic Susceptibility, Anisotropy, Effects of Heating 560
Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi
Magnetic Susceptibility, Anisotropy, Rock Fabric 564
Edgardo Cañón-Tapia
Magnetic Susceptibility (MS), Low-Field 566
Brooks B. Ellwood
Magnetization, Anhysteretic Remanent 572
Bruce M. Moskowitz