for the appropriate magnetic mineral (e.g., Pullaiah et al., 1975). The
procedure for analyzing magnetic components in the hybrid zone and
determining T
is described in more detail in the article on Magne-
tization, remanent, application (q.v.).
If the overprint component is a chemical remanent magnetization
(CRM), T
cannot be determined. Schwarz and Buchan (1989) dis-
cuss how CRM components can be distinguished in hybrid zones.
The baked contact profile test is “positive” (Figure B4) if the criteria
for a positive baked contact test are satisfied (i.e., the igneous unit and
baked host carry a consistent, stable direction of magnetization,
whereas the unbaked host has a stable but different direction) and if
values in the hybrid zone decrease systematically away from
the contact, as predicted by heat conduction theory (Jaeger, 1964).
The critical aspect of the test is that T
values decrease systemati-
cally across the hybrid zone. The most detailed comparisons of experi-
mental and theoretical T
values across hybrid zones have been
described by McClelland Brown (1981).
A positive baked contact profile test demonstrates that the overprint
remanence of the hybrid zone is a pTRM and that it was acquired as
the igneous unit cooled following emplacement. The similarity
between the direction of the overprint in the hybrid zone and that
of the remanence in the igneous unit itself indicates that the latter is
The baked contact profile test is “negative” if the igneous unit and
all elements of the host profile yield consistent remanence directions.
Interpretation of the negative baked contact profile test is similar to
that of the negative baked contact test described above.
The test is “inconclusive” if the criteria for “positive” or “negative”
test are not met. For example, if T
values cannot be obtained from
the hybrid zone or if they do not decrease systematically with distance
from the contact, then it cannot be concluded that the overprint is a
TRM from the time of emplacement of the igneous unit.
Kenneth L. Buchan
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Figure B4 Positive baked contact profile test. T
, the maximum
temperature that is obtained at a given location in the host rocks
as the result of emplacement of the igneous unit, is determined
from orthogonal component projections in the hybrid zone.
A systematic decrease in the T
through the hybrid
zone with increasing distance from the contact demonstrates
that the overprint is a TRM.