Game Theory 7
are not fundamentally different from two-person nonco-
operative games. In the two examples that follow, each
involving three players, one looks for Nash equilibria—that
is, stable outcomes from which no player would normally
depart because to do so would be disadvantageous.
Sequential and Simultaneous Truels
As an example of an n-person noncooperative game, imag-
ine three players, A, B, and C, situated at the corners of an
equilateral triangle. They engage in a truel, or three-per-
son duel, in which each player has a gun with one bullet.
Assume that each player is a perfect shot and can kill one
other player at any time. There is no fixed order of play,
but any shooting that occurs is sequential: No player fires
at the same time as any other. Consequently, if a bullet is
fired, the results are known to all players before another
bullet is fired.
Suppose that the players order their goals as follows:
(1) survive alone; (2) survive with one opponent; (3) survive
with both opponents; (4) not survive, with no opponents
alive; (5) not survive, with one opponent alive; and (6) not
survive, with both opponents alive. Thus, surviving alone
is best, dying alone is worst.
If a player can either fire or not fire at another player,
who, if anybody, will shoot whom? It is not difficult to see
that outcome (3), in which nobody shoots, is the unique
Nash equilibrium—any player that departs from not
shooting does worse. Suppose, on the contrary, that A
shoots B, hoping for A’s outcome (2), whereby he and C
survive. Now, however, C can shoot a disarmed A, thereby
leaving himself as the sole survivor, or outcome (1). As this
is A’s penultimate outcome (5), in which A and one oppo-
nent (B) are killed while the other opponent (C) lives, A