Neutron Transport Problems and Simulation Techniques 531
material structure of the system, the Monte Carlo code user must also specify
biasing parameters. No analogous task is required of an S
code user.)
In the past 10 years, it has been recognized that the biasing parameters –
which (to repeat) have traditionally been chosen by the code user – can in fact
be calculated by a relatively inexpensive deterministic adjoint calculation. In
principle, and in fact, it is possible to: (i) first, run a suitable (inexpensive)
deterministic adjoint problem, (ii) use the results of that calculation to deter-
mine biasing parameters, (iii) implement these biasing parameters in a Monte
Carlo code, and (iv) run the Monte Carlo code with the machine-generated
biasing parameters. This general process has been described as an Automatic
Variance Reduction method, or a Hybrid Monte Carlo-Deterministic method.
The commercial hybrid neutron transport code MCBEND empoys de-
terministic diffusion with Monte Carlo transport [17, 20]. A similar effort
combining deterministic S
and Monte Carlo codes is described in [19]. This
and other related work is discussed in a recent review [23], and case studies
have been reported [24], showing the efficacy of the approach. The computer-
generated biasing parameters are usually obtained by the computer much
more quickly than by human (trial and error) effort, and are usually more ef-
ficient than the ones obtained by the code user (the subsequent Monte Carlo
simulation runs much more efficiently). The principle drawback to the user is
that presently, two codes must be used: a deterministic code for the prelim-
inary adjoint calculation, and a subsequent Monte Carlo code. The problem
must be set up on both codes, and the results of the deterministic code must
be shipped to the Monte Carlo code. Thus, in current implementations, hy-
brid methods are not as convenient to use as they could be, if they were
implemented in one relatively easy-to-use code.
Due to their relative unfamiliarity and the awkwardness of using two codes
to implement them, the use of hybrid methods is currently very limited. How-
ever, hybrid methods offer computational advantages that, sooner or later,
will motivate code developers to implement them in user-friendly ways. When
this happens, hybrid methods should become much more widely-adopted.
7 Discussion
The simulation of neutron and photon transport processes for nuclear re-
actors is generally difficult and costly. During the past 50-odd years, two
distinct computational techniques have been developed to implement these
simulations. These techniques (Monte Carlo and deterministic) are comple-
mentary, in ways that have been discussed above, and that have led to their
wide use in different types of problems. Current research in Monte Carlo and
deterministic methods is aimed at making these methods run more efficiently
and accurately. Perhaps the best sources of literature on these topics are
(i) journal articles published in Nuclear Science and Engineering (the pre-
mier research journal of the American Nuclear Society), (ii) proceedings of