220 J.-L. Widlowski et al.
with geometrical optics, 2) incident monochromatic radiation can be simu-
lated with a finite number of mutually non-interacting rays, and 3) whenever
a ray-matter interaction occurs along the trajectory of a primary ray, the ray
is scattered in one and only one direction under elastic scattering conditions.
To set up an experiment with this model, the structural and optical prop-
erties of the medium of interest have to be defined prior to the computation of
the ray trajectories. A set of 12 geometric primitives (e.g., disc, cone, sphere,
cylinder, ellipse), may be combined using Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
techniques to produce objects of great complexity. Every object within the
bounding volume of the scene (known as the world object) is characterized
by its position with respect to the world cartesian coordinate system, its spa-
tial extension and an interaction model that specifies the object’s scattering
properties if a ray intersects its outer envelope or is to be propagated within
the spatially homogeneous media defined inside its (closed) interior. Figure 2
shows some examples of structurally homogeneous (top) and heterogeneous
(bottom) vegetation canopies, that are depicted both in a deterministic man-
ner (right), where every primitive is explicitly described, and in a stochastic
manner (left), where the statistical foliage properties are represented by vol-
umes of spatially homogeneous media with uniform characteristics. A light
source is defined in terms of its location, extent, intensity and directionality.
Multiple light sources may be combined to simulate complex illumination
conditions. Last but not least, a series of virtual filters (and logical combina-
tions thereof) can be applied to BRF measurements such that only certain
scattering orders, or, object-specific physical interactions may contribute to-
wards the radiance counter of a given detector.
Primary Ray Generation and Event Tracking
Upon emission from a light source, a primary ray k is tagged by a set of
parameters describing that event:
= {r
; Ω
; T
; O
is a po-
sition vector indicating the origin of the ray, Ω
is a unit vector describing
the travelling direction, T
marks the type of j-th interaction (emission if
j = 0, absorption, reflection or transmission if j ≥ 1) and O
identifies the
l-th object within the scene where the interaction occurs. For every new in-
teraction between the primary ray and the scene, another event is added to
the profile of the ray path. In order to determine the position of the next
point of intersection (r
) an optimized geometric-sorting algorithm, based
on the uniform subdivision of the scene into smaller volumes called ‘voxels’,
is applied.
Ray Interaction at the Interface Between Two Media
If a primary ray falls onto an open surface, or is scattered inside some
medium, the type of interaction and the outgoing direction are both de-
termined with respect to the local coordinate system (
) at the point of the
scattering event. Knowing the incoming direction of the ray (Ω