Rayspread: A Virtual Laboratory for Rapid
BRF Simulations Over 3-D Plant Canopies
Jean-Luc Widlowski, Thomas Lavergne, Bernard Pinty, Michel Verstraete
and Nadine Gobron
Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint Research Centre, TP. 440, Via
E. Fermi 1, 21020 Ispra (VA), Italy
Accurate knowledge of the spatial (and temporal) variability of the biosphere’s
characteristics is useful not only to address critical scientific issues (climate
change, environmental degradation, biodiversity preservation, etc.) but also
to provide appropriate initial state and boundary conditions for general cir-
culation or landscape succession models. In particular, the 3-D structure of
vegetation emerged as a crucial player in processes affecting carbon seques-
tration, landscape dynamics and the exchanges of energy, water and trace
gases with the atmosphere e.g., [BWG04]. The growth and development of
plant architecture, in turn, are primarily conditioned by effective interception
of solar radiation that provides the necessary energy for photosynthesis and
other physiological processes [VB86].
In this context, space borne, optical remote sensing provides a conve-
nient, efficient and cost-effective way to acquire information on the state of
terrestrial vegetation, over large areas and at spatial resolutions adequate
to address many key ecological and climate change related issues. The physi-
cal interpretation of such remote sensing measurements, however, can provide
reliable quantitative information only on the relevant state variables that con-
trol the interactions of the radiation field with all intervening media from the
light source to the detector e.g., [VPM96]. The simulation of such processes,
using physically based radiative transfer (RT) models, thus allows to esti-
mate the most probable value of a remote sensing measurement, given that
the values of all state variables in the model, the conditions of observation
and the nature and role of all relevant radiative processes in the system are
specified in advance. This modeling approach is known as the direct or for-
ward mode, and can be used, for example, to determine which state variable
in a given model is primarily responsible for the observed signal variabil-
ity under specific condition of observation and illumination. It also provides
ample testing ground for the intercomparison of different radiation transfer
models [PWT04].
The interpretation of remote sensing data requires applying the same
model in inverse mode, or more specifically inverting the model against the
data set, in order to retrieve the state variables of interest [GS83, KKP00].
At the Earth’s surface, the spectral, directional and polarization signatures