382 4 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Connected Grain Boundaries
is wrong.” For this purpose the authors considered the shrinkage of a regular
convex triangle, using the VN-M theorem and a “direct derivation,” to com-
pute the area change of a regular convex triangle [477].
The VN-M relation yields
= πm
γ, whereas the “direct derivation” of
the grain area change in the case of a shrinking regular convex triangle results
π −
γ. Gusak and Tu attempted to explain the discrepancy
by considering in greater detail the motion of different parts of a moving grain
boundary, which cannot, of course, replace the general and powerful VN-M
derivation. As can be seen, a correct derivation for a regular three-sided grain
only deviates on the order 3% from the VN-M result, and the difference is
thus clearly a second-order effect.
Hunderi and Ryum [478] tried to solve the problem of the configuration
considered by Gusak and Tu by numerical methods on the basis of the major
equations of the VN-M approach. Since their calculations were carried out in
the framework of the VN-M approach, the result is quite evident and pre-
dictable from the very beginning: the VN-M relation is correct.
Nevertheless, one issue remains open: what is the reason for such a discrep-
A more sophisticated treatment of the phenomenon is given in [479]. The
reason for the discrepancy between the VN-M approach and the approach
of Gusak and Tu are the different boundary conditions. Whereas the VN-M
approach associates the motion of a grain boundary element with the local
curvature when an element is displaced normal to itself, the approach put
forward by Gusak and Tu requires that the boundaries have a constant curva-
ture such that the contact angles at the triple junctions are in equilibrium. For
each displacement of a boundary, for instance a triangular grain, the curvature
has to be readjusted to account for equilibrium at the junctions. In fact, the
curvature will increase with progressing grain growth owing to the fact that
the grain shrinks. Therefore an additional adjustment of the grain boundary
geometry has to occur in order to maintain the proper curvature. In the VN-
M approach, such an adjustment is not enforced, since the boundary shape
can be arbitrary. Equilibrium at the junctions is established locally, and the
curvature driven grain boundary motion maintains or reduces the curvature
in contrast to the Gusak-Tu approach. In the Gusak-Tu approach two steps
of motion are involved, curvature driven growth and subsequent readjustment
of the curvature to re-establish constant curvature and junction equilibrium.
The VN-M approach considers only curvature driven growth and disregards
curvature adjustment at junctions as an effect of second order. There is ac-
tually no physical principle that would require constant curvature, and the
Gusak-Tu approximation is a very special case determined entirely by geom-
etry, which however is not realized in nature.
Finally, it can be stated that the evolution of a “regular convex triangle”
during grain growth does not follow the scenario of Gusak and Tu [477],
namely the shrinkage as a self-similar regular triangle. If a regular convex tri-
angle is left to its own devices, it becomes an isosceles triangle and collapses
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