4.5 Experimental Investigations of Triple Junction Motion 373
a of the shrinking grain). The mobility of the grain boundary and of the triple
junction was determined on the basis of the given approach (Eqs. (4.29) and
(4.44)). For convenience we use the reduced form (4.50, 4.51). For all triple
junctions investigated the activation enthalpy of triple junction migration H
was found to be higher than for grain boundary migration H
ularly stressed that in contrast to A
the reduced triple junction mobility
does not only depend on the intrinsic mobility but on the grain size a
as well (Eq. (4.51)). With increasing grain size the triple junction becomes
more mobile (in terms of its reduced mobility) in comparison to the grain
boundary mobility. As a consequence, the transition temperature between
the two kinetic regimes, where A
is comparable to A
, changes with grain
size. Fig. 4.34 [183] shows schematically the temperature dependencies of the
reduced mobility of a triple junction and the corresponding grain boundary
mobility for different grain sizes. For a large grain size (a
), as characteristic
for grain growth experiments, the mobility of grain boundaries is comparable
to the mobility of triple junctions
at relatively low temperatures (Fig. 4.34).
The kinetics in the temperature regime, which is characteristic for conven-
tional recrystallization treatments, is controlled by the more slowly moving
grain boundary. For a very small grain size (a
), as characteristic for ultrafine-
grained material, e.g. nano-crystalline material, the situation is opposite. The
transition temperature is comparatively high, and the kinetics in the same
temperature regime is controlled by the triple junction mobility. Moreover, the
absolute value of the triple junction mobility and thus its migration rate at a
given temperature is distinctly lower for fine-grained than for coarse-grained
microstructures, and there is circumstantial evidence that the surprising ther-
mal stability of ultrafine-grained materials is due to insufficient triple junction
mobility [412, 413].
We feel that the results reported above are of particular importance for the
field of grain growth. If during grain growth the motion of the grain boundary
system is controlled by the mobility of the grain boundaries, the velocity v is
proportional to the grain boundary curvature (∼ 1/a) (Eq. (4.29)). By con-
trast, in the case of triple junction controlled motion the velocity v is constant
(Eq. (4.27)). The kinetics of the evolution of the mean grain size in the former
case will be determined by the dependency
v =
t (4.52)
i.e. the mean grain size increases in proportion to the square root of the
annealing time. By contrast, in the latter case
v =
=const.⇒<a>∼ t (4.53)
In other words, m
· a
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