3.7 Compensation Effect in Grain Boundary Motion 307
Eq. (3.223) can be rewritten as
· T
If the compensation temperature coincides with the melting point we arrive
at the Brown-Ashby relation
Therefore, the Brown-Ashby relation can be considered a direct consequence
of the CE [389]. Impact of the CE on Thermally Activated Processes
Fig. 3.50 gives the measured rate of boundary migration vs. the misorien-
tation angle about a common 111 tilt axis [264]. The maximum velocity
is attained for a misorientation angle of ∼ 41
. Over many years this result
worried scientists (including the authors themselves [390]). The point is that
close to the 41
111 tilt grain boundary there is the special grain boundary
Σ7: 38.2
111 with apparently high mobility and low activation energy of
migration [190, 275, 280, 299]. Therefore, the 41
111 boundary was tacitly
assumed to represent a scatter of the Σ7 boundary. Nevertheless, numerous
growth selection experiments provided strong experimental evidence that the
maximum mobility was attained at misorientation angles above 40
, i.e. close
to 41
and not 38.2
The misorientation dependence of activation enthalpy for migration of 111
tilt grain boundaries in the vicinity of the special grain boundary Σ7 (38.2
as obtained from bicrystal experiments [190] is given in Fig. 3.123. Obviously,
the activation enthalpy is at maximum for a misorientation angle close to 41
However, the misorientation dependence of the preexponential factor behaves
the same way, i.e. attains a maximum for 41
misorientation (Fig. 3.124). In
fact, the CE with a CT of ∼ 450
C (Fig. 3.125) causes the grain boundaries
with the lowest activation energy to be most mobile at T<CT,whereasfor
T>CTthe opposite is the case (Fig. 3.126). As a result, due to the CE,
which boundary moves fastest depends on the temperature range (relative
to CT), and this reconciles the contradiction between recrystallization and
growth selection experiments mentioned above.
As a general rule the compensation temperature divides the temperature
range into two regimes with different relations between the magnitude of re-
action rate and energy of activation. When the experiments are conducted
below T
, then the processes with low energies of activation prevail. The re-
verse is also true; if the measurements are taken above T
, then the processes
with high energies of activation dominate the kinetics (Fig. 3.127).
The example given above also elucidates another consequence of the CE,
namely the drastically mitigated influence of the activation enthalpy. For
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