294 3 Grain Boundary Motion
3.7 Compensation Effect in Grain Boundary Motion
3.7.1 The Fundamental Rate Equation
It is textbook knowledge that the temperature dependence of the absolute
rate ρ of thermally activated processes is governed by the Arrhenius relation
ρ = ρ
where ρ
denotes the preexponential factor, H the enthalpy of activation and k
is the Boltzmann constant. For evaluation of experimental data the activation
enthalpy is commonly determined from the slope −H/k of an Arrhenius plot
ln ρ vs. 1/T . Little attention is usually paid to the preexponential factor ρ
although it has been long known that ρ
changes, if the system is biased
such as to vary H. However, as we will show below, there is overwhelming
experimental evidence that the preexponential factor is strongly related to
the activation enthalpy: ρ
increases or decreases if H increases or decreases
according to the relation
H = α ln ρ
+ β (3.189)
Here α and β are constants, the meaning of which will be dealt with below.
Eq. (3.189) is referred to as compensation effect (CE), since it strongly moder-
ates the effect of a variation of H on the value of the absolute reaction rate ρ,
such that above a so-called compensation temperature, T
= α/k, the process
with the highest activation enthalpy has the highest reaction rate, while for
the process with the lowest value of H proceeds fastest.
Although the CE has been also reported for bulk processes, e.g. bulk diffu-
sion of solute atoms in a crystalline matrix [336, 337] or diffusion in whiskers
of different size [338], it is most pronounced in surface and interfacial reac-
tion phenomena, since in such cases the changes of H and ρ
can be quite
substantial. This was found for diffusion along grain boundaries and inter-
faces [339, 359, 367], grain boundary migration [274, 303] and spreading of
extrinsic grain boundary dislocations [368].
The CE probably was first reported by Constable [369] for dehydrogenation
of ethanol on a copper catalyst. More recently it has been found in other ther-
mally activated chemical, physical and biological processes and systems [370]–
[372]. The compensation effect in surface reactions and catalysis has been
associated with the interaction of adatoms in adsorbed surface layers [373]–
[377]. The variation of enthalpy and preexponential factor was attributed to
the number of ways in which the heat bath can furnish the energy needed
to overcome the barrier [378]. This, however, is closely connected with the
interactions in the adsorbed layers.
In this section we will review much of the existing data on the compensation
effect in thermally activated interface processes, although the fundamental
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