• Psychological disorders. Classifying psychological disorders:
– psychology; physical disorder; psychological disorder;
– psychological disorders: adjustment disorder, anxiety disorder, dissociative
disorder, mood disorder, panic disorder, personality disorder, posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), schizophrenic disorder (schizophrenia), somatoform disorder,
substance-related disorder;
– anxiety; behavior; behavior pattern; cause; diagnosis; disability; distress; fear;
functioning; illness: acute illness, chronic illness, mental illness; impairment; injury;
medical condition; mental process; misery; neurosis; panic; panic attack;
psychological problem; psychological state; psychotherapy; response; stress; stressor;
suicide; suicide prevention; symptom; therapy; threat; treatment: drug treatment;
– abnormal; anxious; dangerous; hazardous; neurotic; stressful;
– to control; to cope (with); to manage.
• Adjustment disorders:
– adjustment; adjustment disorder; complaint: emotional complaint; crime:
violent crime; depression; impairment; reaction: adjustment reaction, maladaptive
reaction; problem: academic problem, occupational problem, social problem; stress;
– to react maladaptively; to remove a stressor; to victimize (to be victimized).
• Anxiety disorders:
– anxiety: acute anxiety, persistent anxiety; anxiety disorder: generalized
anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, stress disorder: acute
stress disorder, acute distress, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); compulsion;
fear: irrational fear, persistent fear; nervousness; obsession; phobia: acrophobia,
agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social phobia, specific phobia; panic attack; physical
symptoms: autonomic overarousal, cardiac sensation, chill, choking sensation,
diarrhea, dry mouth, fidgeting, flush, frequent urinating, furrowed brow, heart attack,
heavy sweating, inability to relax, insomnia, irritability, light-headedness, motor
tension, nausea, numbness, pounding of the heart, racing heart, shakiness, shortness
of breath, suffocation, sweating, tingling, tremor; PTSD symptoms: difficulty
concentrating, extreme vigilance, feeling of alienation, feeling of anxiety, flashback,
helplessness, intensified «startle» response, intrusive memory, intrusive recollection,
irritable outburst, mental defeat, rapid heart rate, recurrent dream, sleep problem;
PTSD causes: traumatic event, traumatic experience: accident, bomb, childhood
sexual abuse, destruction of one’s community, fire, hazardous material explosion,
medical emergency, natural disaster, shooting, stabbing, suicide, toxic hazard, threat
of assault, witnessing a death;
– to panic, to be obsessed (with).
• Panic disorder: acute anxiety; distressing condition; panic attack; symptom:
disturbing symptom, strong physical symptom; panic attack symptoms: anxiousness,
cardiac sensation, chest pain, chill, choking sensation, difficulty breathing, dizziness,
dreamlike sensation, fear of losing control, fear of dying, flush, heart attack, heavy
sweating, irrational fear, lightheadedness, nausea, numbness, perceptual distortion,
phobia, pounding heartbeat, racing heartbeat, sense of being smothered, shortness of
breath, stomach upset, suffocation, terror, tremor, tingling.