Pure Resistance
As the resistance in an RC circuit gets large compared with the absolute value of the capacitive reac-
tance, the angle of lead becomes smaller. The same thing happens if the absolute value of X
small compared with the value of R.
When R is many times larger than the absolute value of X
, whatever their actual values, the
vector in the RC plane points almost along the R axis. Then the RC phase angle is close to 0°. The
voltage comes nearly into phase with the current. The plates of the capacitor do not come anywhere
near getting fully charged with each cycle. The capacitor is said to “pass the ac” with very little loss,
as if it were shorted out. But it will still have an extremely high X
for any ac signals at much lower
frequencies that might exist across it at the same time. (This property of capacitors can be put to use
in electronic circuits. An example is when an engineer wants to let radio-frequency signals get
through while blocking signals at audio frequencies.)
Ultimately, if the absolute value of the capacitive reactance gets small enough, the circuit acts as
a pure resistance, and the current is in phase with the voltage.
How Much Lead?
If you know the ratio of capacitive reactance to resistance, or X
/R, in an RC circuit, then you can
find the phase angle. Of course, you can find this angle if you know the precise values, too.
Pictorial Method
You can use a protractor and a ruler to find phase angles for RC circuits, just as you did with RL cir-
cuits in the previous chapter, as long as the angles aren’t too close to 0° or 90°. First, draw a line
somewhat longer than 10 cm, going from left to right on the paper. Then, use the protractor to con-
struct a line going somewhat more than 10 cm vertically downward, starting at the left end of the
horizontal line. The horizontal line is the R axis of an RC plane. The line going down is the X
If you know the actual values of X
and R, divide or multiply them by a constant, chosen to
make both values fall between −100 and 100. For example, if X
=−3800 Ω and R = 7400 Ω, di-
vide them both by 100, getting −38 and 74. Plot these points on the lines. The X
point goes 38
mm down from the intersection point between your two axes. The R point goes 74 mm to the right
of the intersection point. Next, draw a line connecting the two points, as shown in Fig. 14-11. This
line will be at a slant and will form a triangle along with the two axes. This is a right triangle, with
the right angle at the origin of the RC plane. Measure the angle between the slanted line and the R
axis. Use the protractor for this. Extend the lines, if necessary, using the ruler, to get a good reading
222 Capacitive Reactance
14-10 Schematic
representation of a
circuit containing
resistance and
capacitive reactance.