As the frequency is raised without limit, the set of plates starts to act more and more like a short
circuit. When the frequency is low, there is a small charging current, but this quickly drops to zero
as the plates become fully charged. As the frequency becomes high, the current flows for more and
more of every cycle before dropping off; the charging time remains constant while the period of the
charging/discharging wave is getting shorter. Eventually, if you keep on increasing the frequency, the
period of the wave will be much shorter than the charging/discharging time, and current will flow
in and out of the plates in just about the same way as it would flow if the plates were shorted out.
The opposition that the set of plates offers to ac is the capacitive reactance. It is measured in
ohms, just like inductive reactance, and just like resistance. But it is, by convention, assigned nega-
tive values rather than positive ones. Capacitive reactance, denoted X
, can vary, just as resistance
and inductive reactance do, from near zero (when the plates are huge and close together, and/or the
frequency is very high) to a few negative ohms, to many negative kilohms or megohms.
Capacitive reactance, like inductive reactance, varies with frequency. But X
gets larger (nega-
tively) as the frequency goes down. This is the opposite of what happens with inductive reactance,
which gets larger (positively) as the frequency goes up.
Often, capacitive reactance is talked about in terms of its absolute value, with the minus sign re-
moved. Then we say that the absolute value of X
increases as the frequency goes down, or that the
absolute value of X
is decreases as the frequency goes up.
Capacitive Reactance and Frequency
In one sense, capacitive reactance behaves like a reflection of inductive reactance. But looked at an-
other way, X
is an extension of X
into negative values.
If the frequency of an ac source (in hertz) is given as f, and the capacitance (in farads) is given
as C, then the capacitive reactance in ohms, X
, is calculated as follows:
Again, we meet our friend π! And again, for most practical purposes, we can take 2π to be equal to
6.28. Thus, the preceding formula can be expressed like this:
This same formula applies if the frequency, f, is in megahertz and the capacitance, C, is in microfarads.
Capacitive reactance varies inversely with the frequency. This means that the function X
f appears as a curve when graphed, and this curve “blows up” as the frequency gets close to zero.
Capacitive reactance also varies inversely with the actual value of capacitance, given a fixed fre-
quency. Therefore, the function of X
versus C also appears as a curve that blows up as the capaci-
tance approaches zero.
The negative of X
is inversely proportional to frequency, and also to capacitance. Relative graphs
of these functions are shown in Fig. 14-4.
Problem 14-1
Suppose a capacitor has a value of 0.00100 µF at a frequency of 1.00 MHz. What is the capacitive
216 Capacitive Reactance