Real-number conductance and imaginary-number susceptance combine to form complex admit-
tance, symbolized by the capital letter Y. This is a complete expression of the extent to which a cir-
cuit allows ac to flow.
As the absolute value of complex impedance gets larger, the absolute value of complex admit-
tance becomes smaller, in general. Huge impedances correspond to tiny admittances, and vice
Admittances are written in complex form just like impedances. But you need to keep track of
which quantity you’re talking about! This will be obvious if you use the symbol, such as Y = 3 − j0.5
or Y = 7 + j3. When you see Y instead of Z, you know that negative j factors (such as in the quan-
tity 3 − j 0.5) mean there is a net inductance in the circuit, and positive j factors (such as in the
quantity 7 + j3) mean there is net capacitance.
Admittance is the complex composite of conductance and susceptance. Thus, complex admit-
tance values always take the form Y = G + jB. When the j factor is negative, a complex admittance
may appear in the form Y = G − jB.
Do you remember how resistances combine with reactances in series to form complex imped-
ances? In Chaps. 13 and 14, you saw series RL and RC circuits. Did you wonder why parallel cir-
cuits were ignored in those discussions? The reason was the fact that admittance, not impedance, is
best for working with parallel ac circuits. Resistance and reactance combine in a messy fashion in
parallel circuits. But conductance (G ) and susceptance (B ) merely add together in parallel circuits,
yielding admittance (Y ). Parallel circuit analysis is covered in detail in the next chapter.
The GB Plane
Admittance can be depicted on a plane similar to the complex impedance (RX ) plane. Actually, it’s
a half plane, because there is ordinarily no such thing as negative conductance. (You can’t have a
component that conducts worse than not at all.) Conductance is plotted along the horizontal, or G,
axis on this coordinate half plane, and susceptance is plotted along the B axis. The GB plane is
shown in Fig. 15-9, with several points plotted.
It’s Inside Out
The GB plane looks superficially identical to the RX plane. But mathematically, the two could not
be more different! The GB plane is mathematically inside out with respect to the RX plane. The
center, or origin, of the GB plane represents the point at which there is no conduction for dc or for
ac. It is the zero-admittance point, rather than the zero-impedance point. In the RX plane, the ori-
gin represents a perfect short circuit, but in the GB plane, the origin corresponds to a perfect open
As you move out toward the right (east) along the G, or conductance, axis of the GB plane, the
conductance improves, and the current gets greater. When you move upward (north) along the jB
axis from the origin, you have ever-increasing positive (capacitive) susceptance. When you go
down (south) along the jB axis from the origin, you encounter increasingly negative (inductive)
240 Impedance and Admittance