but less than 3608 (2p rad). If you look at Fig. 12-1, you should be able to
envision how this works. Even if the ray OP makes more than one complete
revolution counterclockwise from the x axis, or if it turns clockwise instead,
its direction can always be defined by some counterclockwise angle of least 08
(0 rad) but less than 3608 (2p rad) relative to the x axis.
Any offbeat direction angle such as 7308 or 9p/4 rad can be reduced
to a direction angle that measures at least 08 (0 rad) but less than 3608
(2p rad) by adding or subtracting some whole-number multiple of 3608
(2p rad). But you have to be careful about this. A direction angle specifies
orientation only. The orientation of the ray OP is the same for an angle of
5408 (3p rad) as for an angle of 1808 (p rad), but the larger value carries
with it the insinuation that the ray (also called a vector) OP has revolved
1.5 times around, while the smaller angle implies that it has undergone
less than one complete revolution. Sometimes this doesn’t matter, but often
it does!
Negative angles are encountered in trigonometry, especially in graphs
of functions. Multiple revolutions of objects are important in physics
and engineering. So if you ever hear or read about an angle such as 908, p/
2 rad, 9008,or5p rad, you can be confident that it has meaning. The negative
value indicates clockwise rotation. An angle that is said to measure more
than 3608 (2p rad) indicates more than one complete revolution counter-
clockwise. An angle that is said to measure less than 3608 (2p rad)
indicates more than one revolution clockwise.
In Fig. 12-1, imagine ray OP pointing along the x axis, and then starting
to rotate counterclockwise on its end point O, as if point O is a mechanical
bearing. The point P, represented by coordinates (x
, y
), thus revolves
around point O, following the perimeter of the unit circle.
Imagine what happens to the value of y
(the ordinate of point P) during
one complete revolution of ray OP. The ordinate of P starts out at y
¼ 0,
then increases until it reaches y
¼ 1 after P has gone 908 or p/2 rad around
the circle ( ¼ 908 ¼ p/2). After that, y
begins to decrease, getting back
to y
¼ 0 when P has gone 1808 or p rad around the circle ( ¼ 1808 ¼ p).
As P continues on its counterclockwise trek, y
keeps decreasing until,
at ¼ 2708 ¼ 3p/2, the value of y
reaches its minimum of 1. After that, the
value of y
rises again until, when P has gone completely around the circle,
it returns to y
¼ 0 for ¼ 3608 ¼ 2p.
PART 3 Shapes and Places