Cantor, Georg, 17
cardinals, transfinite, 17
cardioid, 268–70
Cartesian plane, 250–60, 309–13
Cartesian three-space, 309, 313–29
census, 147
centimeter, 75
centimeter/gram/second system, 75
circle, 224, 263–4, 274–7
circular functions
primary, 277–83
secondary, 283–7
circular motion, 279
circumference, 224
clinometer, 373
coefficients, 119
combinations, 183–4
common exponential, 346
commutative law
for addition, 20
for multiplication, 20–1
compass, points of, 373
complementary outcomes, 175–6
complex numbers, 129–32
cone, 240–3
constant function, 48
continuous variable, 145–6
Continuum Hypothesis, 16
convergent series, 341
conversions, 87–91
coordinate plane
Cartesian, 250–60
log-log, 357–8
Polar, 260–71
rectangular, 250–60
semilog, 356–7
correlation, 47–8
corresponding angles, 206
cosecant, 283
cosecant function, 283–4
cosine, 264–5, 281
cosine function, 281–2
cosine wave, 281–2
cotangent, 285
cotangent function, 285–6
coulomb, 85–6
counting numbers, 8
cross multiplication, 25
cross product, 320–1
cube, 237
cubic equation, 133–5
cubic formula, 133
cumulative absolute frequency, 154–5
cumulative relative frequency, 155–6
curve fitting, 44–5
cycle, 86–7
cycle per second, 86–7
cylinder, 241, 243–4
decibel, 354–5
decimal number system, 8
nonterminating, nonrepeating, 16
nonterminating, repeating, 15
terminating, 14
decimal point, 54
degree, angular, 83–4, 276
degree Celsius, 75
degree Fahrenheit, 75
degree of arc, 276
dependent variable, 34, 252, 315
derived units, 83
difference, 11
dimension, 88
dimensionless unit, 80
direction of vector, 309, 311
direction angle, 277–8, 318–20, 368
direction cosine, 318–319
direction numbers, 327
discrete values, 38
discrete variable, 144–5
displacement, 75, 76, 367–8
addition of, 203
between points, 252–3, 315–16
subtraction of, 203
notation for, 200
versus displacement, 367
distribution, 39–40, 149–54, 160
distributive laws, 21
divergent series, 340
dot product, 312–13, 320
electric charge quantity, 85
electric current, 75, 79