This book is for people who want to refine their math skills at the high-school
level. It can serve as a supplemental text in a classroom, tutored, or home-
schooling environment. It should also be useful for career changers
who want to refresh or augment their knowledge. I recommend that you
start at the beginning and complete a chapter a week. An hour or two
daily ought to be enough time for this. When you’re done, you can use
this book as a permanent reference.
This course has an abundance of practice quiz, test, and exam questions.
They are all multiple-choice, and are similar to the sorts of questions used
in standardized tests. There is a short quiz at the end of every chapter.
The quizzes are ‘‘open-book.’’ You may (and should) refer to the chapter
texts when taking them. When you think you’re ready, take the quiz,
write down your answers, and then give your answers to a friend. Have the
friend tell you your score, but not which questions you got wrong.
The answers are listed in the back of the book. Stick with a chapter until
you get most of the answers correct.
This book is divided into multi-chapter sections. At the end of each
section, there is a multiple-choice test. Take these tests when you’re done
with the respective sections and have taken all the chapter quizzes. The
section tests are ‘‘closed-book,’’ but the questions are easier than those in
the quizzes. A satisfactory score is 75% or more correct. Again, answers are
in the back of the book.
There is a final exam at the end of this course. It contains questions drawn
uniformly from all the chapters. A satisfactory score is at least 75% correct
answers. With the section tests and the final exam, as with the quizzes, have
a friend tell you your score without letting you know which questions
you missed. That way, you will not subconsciously memorize the answers.
You can check to see where your knowledge is strong and where it is not.
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