numbers are stored for each range increment. Together,
they correspond to the return passed by a single range gate
in an analog system.
The choice of the sampling interval is generally a com-
promise. The larger the interval—i.e., the longer the time
between samples—the less complex the system will be
(Fig. 6). Yet, if the interval is greater than the duration
(width) of the transmitted pulses, some of the signal will be
lost when a target’s echoes fall between sampling points.
Moreover, the ability to resolve targets in range will be
To realize the full range-resolving potential of the pulses,
as well as to enable more accurate range measurement,
samples may be taken at considerably shorter intervals than
the pulse width (Fig. 7). Range is then determined by inter-
polating between the numbers in adjacent range bins. If, for
example, the numbers in two adjacent bins are equal, the
target is assumed to be halfway between the ranges repre-
sented by the two bin positions. Depending on the sam-
pling rate and the pulse width, the measurement can be
quite precise.
Using a comparatively high sampling rate also minimizes
the loss in signal-to-noise ratio that occurs when a target’s
echoes fall partly in one sampling interval and partly in the
next. This is called range-gate straddling loss.
Range Ambiguities
Pulse delay ranging works without a hitch as long as
the round-trip transit time for the most distant target the
radar may detect is shorter than the interpulse period. But
if the radar detects a target whose transit time exceeds the
interpulse period, the echo of one pulse will be received
after the next pulse has been transmitted, and the target
will appear, falsely, to be at a much shorter range than it
actually is.
Nature of the Ambiguities. To get a more precise feel for
the nature of the ambiguities, let us consider a specific
example. Suppose the length of the interpulse period, T,
corresponds to a range of 50 nautical miles, and echoes are
received from a target at 60 miles (Fig. 8). The transit time
for this target will be 20 percent greater than the interpulse
period (60/50 = 1.2). Consequently, the echo of Pulse No. 1
will not be received until 0.2T microsecond after Pulse
No. 2 is transmitted. The echo of Pulse No. 2 will not be
received until 0.2T microsecond after Pulse No. 3 is trans-
mitted, and so on.
If the difference between the time an echo is received
and the time the immediately preceding pulse was transmit-
ted is used as the measure of range, the target will appear to
CHAPTER 12 Pulse Delay Ranging
6. Video signal is generally sampled at intervals on the order of
a pulse width, τ.
7. To enable more accurate measurement and minimize loss of
signal-to-noise ratio, samples may be taken at intervals shorter
than a pulse width; range is then computed by interpolating
between samples.
8. If interpulse period corresponds to 50 nautical miles and tran-
sit time to 60 nautical miles, range will appear to be only 10
nautical miles.
1. If pulse compression is used,
the intervals must be shorter
than the compressed pulse
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