This code, and also the two-digit code, have comple-
mentary forms. Corresponding sidelobes produced by the
two forms have opposite phases. Therefore, it we alternately
modulate successive transmitted pulses with the two forms
of the code—and appropriately switch the locations of the
phase reversals in the outputs of the delay line, for alternate
interpulse periods—when the returns from successive puls-
es are integrated the sidelobes cancel (Fig. 19).
CHAPTER 13 Pulse Compression
19. Echoes with complementary phase coding, received from same tar-
get during alternate interpulse periods. When echoes are integrat-
ed, time sidelobes cancel.
20. How complementary codes are formed. Basic two-digit code
is formed by chaining basic binary digit (+) to its complement
(–), Complementary two-digit code is formed by chaining
basic binary digit (+) to its complement with sign reversed (+).
Basic four-digit code is formed by chaining basic two-digit
code to complementary two-digit code. Complementary four-
digit code is formed by chaining basic two-digit code to com-
plementary two-digit code with sign reversed, and so on.
More importantly, by chaining the complementary forms
together according to a certain pattern, we can build codes
of almost any length. As illustrated in Fig. 20, the two forms
of the four-digit code are just such combinations of the two
forms of the two-digit code; and these are just such combi-
nations of the two fundamental binary digits, + and –.
Unlike the unchained Barker codes, the chained codes
produce sidelobes having amplitudes greater than one. But
since the chains are complementary, these larger sidelobes—
like the others—cancel when successive pulses are integrat-
Limitations of Phase Coding. The principal limitation of
phase coding is its sensitivity to doppler frequencies. If the
energy contained in all segments of a phase-coded pulse is
to add up completely when the pulse is centered in the
delay line, while cancelling when it is not, very little shift in
phase over the length of the pulse can be tolerated, other
than the 180˚ phase reversal due to the coding.
As will be explained in Chap. 15, a doppler shift is actu-
ally a continuous phase shift. A doppler shift, of, say, 10
kilohertz amounts to a phase shift of 10,000 x 360˚ per sec-
ond, or 3.6˚ per microsecond. If the radar’s pulses are as
much as 50 microseconds long (Fig. 21), this shift will itself
equal 180˚ over the length of the pulse, and performance
will deteriorate. For the scheme to be effective, either the
21. Reduction in peak output of tapped delay line for 50
microsecond, phase-coded pulse, resulting from doppler shift
of 10 kilohertz.