532 14 Interconnection Networks
Table 14.4 SE settings for
path establishment in ADMN
network based on 2’s
complement number format
Sign bit value Bit value Connection type
0 0 Straight
1 0 Straight
1 1 Down
to say, these operations are complex and slow compared to the operations required
of the second routing algorithm discussed here. This routing algorithm is also dis-
tributed among the SEs and relies on 2’s complement representation of the routing
vector. Calculating the routing vector is done only once at the input stage. The rest
of the stages merely scan the bits of the routing vector to make up their routing
To establish a path from a source address at an input port location S to a destina-
tion address at an output port location D, we calculate r as
r = D − S (14.63)
where r is represented in
n + 1
-bit 2’s complement notation.
A switching element at stage i will have to scan two bits of the routing vector:
the sign bit (which is bit n) and bit n −i − 1. Therefore, an SE at stage 0 scans the
sign bit and bit n − 1. An SE at stage 1 scans the sign bit and bit n − 2, and so on.
Finally, an SE at stage n − 1 scans the sign bit and bit 0. The SE settings for path
establishment are based on the rules explained in Table 14.4.
As an example, assume S = 7 and D = 2. In that case, r is given as
r = D − S =−5 (14.64)
The routing vector in n +1-bit 2’s complement notation will be
r =
The path selected is explained in Table 14.5, and Fig. 14.16 shows the path cho-
sen to route a packet from input at row 7 to output at row 2 based on 2’s complement
representation of routing vector r.
Table 14.5 SE settings for path in ADMN network from input S = 7 to output D = 2 based on
the 2’s complement representation of the routing vector r. The sign bit for routing vector is r
= 1
Stage i = 0 i = 1 i = 2 i = 3
Bit scanned r
= 0 r
= 1 r
= 1NA
SE connection Straight Down Down NA
Row location (R
)7 7 1 2