512 14 Interconnection Networks
is a copy of the horizontal data coming from row 3. This way, output at column 5
sees a copy of the data that was moving in row 3.
A crossbar network supports high capacity due to the N simultaneous connec-
tions it can provide. This comes at the expense of the number of CPs that grows as
. This is one reason why a crossbar network is used mainly for demanding appli-
cations that requires a relatively small values of N (about 10). However, advances
in VLSI technology and electro-optics make crossbar switches a viable switching
Data multicast in a crossbar network can be easily accomplished. Suppose that
input 3 requests to multicast its data to outputs 1, 3, and 5. Input 3 would then
request to configure CP(3,1), (3,3), and (3, 5) into the T -configuration and all other
CPs in row 3 would remain in the default X-configuration.
14.6.1 Crossbar Network Contention and Arbitration
Suppose that two or more inputs request access to the same output. In that case,
contention arises and some arbitration mechanism has to be provided to settle this
dispute. In fact, we have to provide N arbiters such that each one is associated with
a column in the crossbar network. For example, when input 1 requests to commu-
nicate with output 3, it requests to configure CP(1,3) into the T -configuration and
must wait until the arbiter in column 3 issues a grant to that input. At the same time,
the arbiter in column 3 must inform all other inputs that they cannot access column
3 in that time step. This happens only after the arbiter checks to see if there are
any requests coming from other inputs demanding access to output 3. These arbiters
slow down the system especially for large networks where signal propagation up
and down the columns takes a substantial amount of time.
Arbitration was necessary because access to the crossbar network was input
driven where the inputs issue the requests to configure the crosspoint switches. In
an output-driven crossbar network, the outputs initiate issuing of requests for data
from the inputs and this eliminates the need for the arbiters. Needless to say, this
mode of operation leads to much faster switch operation and was first proposed by
the author in references [12–14].
14.6.2 Analysis of Crossbar Network
The crossbar switch can be considered as a collection of N shared media, viz., the
columns of the crossbar network, since each column is associated with an output
link or channel. All N columns operate in parallel and each output accepts traffic
from all N inputs (rows). Thus the traffic arriving at each output port is a fraction of
the traffic arriving at the inputs.
Assume a is the packet arrival probability at an input port of an N × N crossbar
switch. Let us study the activity of a certain output port. We call this the tagged