126 4 Markov Chains at Equilibrium
2. The eigenvector technique (2) is used when P is expressed numerically and its
size is reasonable so that any mathematical package could easily find the eigen-
vector. Some communication systems are described by a small 2 × 2 transition
matrix and it is instructive to get a closed-form expression for s. We shall see this
for the case of packet generators.
3. The difference equations technique (3) is used when P is banded with few subdi-
agonals. Again, many communication systems have banded transition matrices.
We shall see many examples throughout this book about such systems.
4. The z-transform technique (4) is used when P is lower triangular or lower
Hessenberg such that each diagonal has identical elements. Again, some commu-
nication systems have this structure and we will discuss many of them throughout
this book.
5. The direct technique (5) is used when P is expressed numerically and P has no
particular structure. Furthermore, the size of P is not too large such that round-
ing or truncation noise is insignificant. Direct techniques produce results with
accuracies dependent on the machine precision and the number of calculations
6. The iterative numerical technique (6) is used when P is expressed numerically
and P has no particular structure. The size of P has little effect on truncation
noise because iterative techniques produce results with accuracies that depend
only on the machine precision and independent of the number of calculations
7. The iterative technique (7) for expressing the states of P in terms of other states
is illustrated in Section 9.3.2 on page 312.
We illustrate these approaches in the following sections.
4.6 Finding s Using Eigenvector Approach
In this case we are interested in finding the eigenvector s which satisfies the
Ps= s (4.4)
MATLAB and other mathematical packages such as Maple and Mathematica
have commands for finding that eigenvector as is explained in Appendix E. This
technique is useful only if P is expressed numerically. Nowadays, those mathemat-
ical packages can also do symbolic computations and can produce an answer for s
when P is expressed in symbols. However, symbolic computations demand that the
the size of P must be small, in the range of 2–5, at the most to get any useful data.
Having found a numeric or symbolic answer, we must normalize s to ensure that
= 1 (4.5)