8 Structural dynamics
inertial system without rotation, 0ȍ, the gravity force acts constantly on the
blades, whereas in the rotating system it acts periodically with the rotational fre-
quency 1ȍ. Therefore, in the resonance diagram of a three-bladed wind turbine,
Fig. 8-19, not only are the beams of the 1ȍ-, 3ȍ-, 6ȍ-, etc. excitations shown but
also the one for the 2ȍ excitation.
Simulation of the overall system dynamics
For larger wind turbines in the early design stages a model for the overall system
dynamics is developed, which considers all the couplings between the sub-
systems. It also comprises the electrical and electro-mechanical (or hydraulic)
degrees of freedom of the control and controllers. The solution of these “equations
of motion” is then calculated in the time domain by digital simulation. Compared
to the consideration in the frequency domain this has the advantage that even non-
linearities and transient processes may easily be considered. Section 8.3 gives an
introduction to the common procedures.
8.2 .5 Instabilities and further aeroelastic problems
Aeroelastic instabilities
In the discussion of the shut-down of a wind turbine we saw how slowly the
natural vibrations of the tower-nacelle system decay, Fig. 8-11, since in this case
there are only small damping forces from the flange connections of the tower and
from the soil.
However, if the machine operates close to the design tip speed ratio, the nacelle
vibrations in the axial direction and the blade vibrations in the flapwise direction
are well damped by aerodynamic forces. Fig. 8-21 shows in the middle how a
(flapwise) movement of the blade against the wind direction changes the triangle
of velocity. An additional lift ǻdL is produced which acts against this movement,
i.e. damps it. However, it also becomes clear that if the wind turbine operates in
the region of separated flow (i.e. stall) which is found to the right of the maximum
of the lift curve c
) then the deviation c
´ of the lift coefficient changes its
sign. The additional lift ǻdL produced by the flapwise movement becomes nega-
tive which means that vibrations are “fuelled” by the reduced damping. If there is
insufficient “structural damping” then the natural vibrations increase and instabil-
ity occurs. Of course, in the stall region the drag forces from c
have to be con-
sidered as well, so this case again becomes a little more complicated [12, 13].