6.8 Extending the calculation method
section was determined. These two forces can be equated, when the following as-
sumptions hold true:
- The forces at the blade section cause a steady and homogeneous change in
the velocity of the air mass that flows through the ring section with the
area dA = 2
r dr.
- The air mass is only affected by the aerodynamic forces in the plane of
rotation. The stream filaments do not excert any forces on each other.
- The profile drag is very small and can thus be neglected.
These assumptions are approximately valid as long as the rotor runs near the de-
sign tip speed ratio. During start-up (
) of a turbine with a high tip speed
ratio, air flows through the rotor without being influenced by the blades. However,
during load-free idling (
), the deceleration of the air is so heavy (v
< v
that some of the retarded air mass flows rather around the outside of the rotor than
through the rotor area. This loss of utilized air mass is not considered in the for-
mula of linear momentum we used in section 6.1. Furthermore, the profile drag is
negligible only for operation with the design tip speed ratio. We already men-
tioned these effects when discussing the dimensionless characteristic curves in
sections 6.3 and 6.4 and considered them in the turbine performance characteristics
of sections 6.5 and 6.7. In the following, better late than never, the calculations of
section 6.1 will now be extended to include these influences in the iteration
6.8.1 Start-up range of
(high lift coefficients)
A turbine with a high tip speed ratio has few and slender blades. These apply a
force to the air masses that flow through the ring section with the area 2
r dr, cf.
Fig. 5-14. An individual airfoil can affect the air mass in its vicinity only in a cer-
tain effective width b*.
If the rotor runs at the design point of
, the relative velocity w has the angle
with respect to the rotor plane, Fig. 6-19. The width b of the region the blade
should affect is comparatively small, b = (2
r sin
/z, because, due to the small
angle of attack, the incident relative velocity is nearly parallel to the profile chord.
In contrast, at standstill the individual blade should affect a width of a = 2
(i.e. the circumferential distance between the blades) which is usually significantly
larger than its actual width of influence b*. Therefore, during standstill (and start-
up) of a turbine with a high tip speed ratio, some of the air flows through the plane
of rotation without being disturbed and utilized by the blades.
How large is the effective width b* of the region where a blade affects the air
masses? Strictly speaking, its influence reaches into infinity - it only decreases
rapidly with growing distance. From the Prandtl airfoil theory [4], we obtain the
maximum of air mass for which a blade can cause a constant change in speed.