6.6 Flow conditions
During start-up (following the curves from the right along the arrows in Fig.
6-11), the inner blade section has already a favourable lift/drag ratio, whereas at
the outer sections the flow is still separated. Nevertheless, the circumferential
forces across the entire blade are almost constant due to the increasing profile
chord length with a larger radius. This produces the high starting torque moment
coefficient of the turbine with a low tip speed ratio in Fig. 6-6.
For the design point, design tip speed ratio of
= 1, there is along the entire
blade an angle of attack of
= 2° with maximum lift/drag ratio as the blade was
designed for this operating point. The circumferential force is somewhat larger at
the outer sections than close to the inner radius due to the larger local circumferen-
tial speed and profile chord length.
When idling, the flow at the blade shows negative angles of attack (
< 0) due
to the increased circumferential speed. As a result, the lift coefficient becomes
very small or is even negative. This means that the power extracted in the blade
sections of positive lift (which “acts as a turbine”) is used in the sections with
negative lift coefficient (which “acts as a ventilator”) to actively accelerate the air.
If the turbine ran even faster, strongly negative lift coefficients would be reached
at the outer radius. This explains why the thrust forces of turbines with a low tip
speed ratio are so small during load-free idling.
6.6.3 Flow conditions in a turbine with a high design tip speed
The blade of a turbine with a high tip speed ratio can now be analyzed in the same
way. The turbine we will here consider has a design tip speed ratio of
= 7 and
is equipped with three blades which were dimensioned according to Schmitz
theory. Therefore, the profile chord length decreases as the radius increases, Fig.
6-14. As the product of design tip speed ratio and number of blades
z = 21 is
equal to that of the turbine with a low tip speed ratio, the blade chord can be
directly obtained from the blade chord diagram, Fig. 5-22.
The blade sections in Fig. 6-14 are drawn using the same scaling factor as for
the blade of the turbine with the low tip speed ratio (Fig. 6-12). The upper blade
section is again close to the outer radius of r = 0.9 R, the blade section in the
middle at r = 0.6 R, and the lower at r = 0.3 R. The upper half of the section shows
the values and directions of the resulting forces, but for these forces, as well as for
the relative velocities in the lower half of the section, a larger scaling factor had to
be chosen than for the turbine with a low tip speed ratio.
The forces were calculated for both wind turbines using the same wind speed.
The profile characteristics, Fig. 6-13, are the same as for to that of the turbine with
the low tip speed ratio since the same aerodynamic profile is used, which makes
more sense for the turbine with the high tip speed ratio. The dimensionless charac-
teristic curves of this turbine were discussed in section 6.3, Figs. 6-2 to 6-4.