the slope: consequently there may be little sedimenta-
tion associated with falling stage and lowstand except
for some redeposited material at the base of the slope.
Carbonate ramps are generally areas of lower car-
bonate productivity (Bosence & Wilson 2003). The
productivity may be unable to keep up with sea-level
rise during transgression and the transgressive sys-
tems tract will consist of retogradational parase-
quence sets. A maximum flooding surface marked by
condensed beds and/or hardgrounds is likely to form.
With a reduced rate of sea-level rise in the highstand
the parasequence sets will be aggradational to progra-
dational. In contrast to rimmed shelves, sedimenta-
tion continues during deposition of the falling stage
and lowstand systems tracts: the parasequences show
a progradational downstepping geometry, while expo-
sure on the inner part of the ramp results in solution
and karst formation.
Parasequences in carbonate depositional systems
normally show a shallowing-up character. They typi-
cally consist of beds deposited in the lower subtidal
zone comprising wackestones that coarsen up into
packstones and then to grainstones deposited in the
higher energy wave-reworked zone of shallower
water. Parasequences that form part of a retrograda-
tional or aggradational package tend to be thicker
with higher proportions of finer grained facies,
whereas parasequences in progradational parase-
quence sets tend to become thinner upwards with
more shallow water grainstone facies present.
In basins that are not connected to the oceans the
relative sea level does not act as a control on sedimen-
tation. The deposition in a basin that has a permanent
central lake is affected by the water level in that lake
in a manner that is similar to a relative sea-level
control. Climate directly controls the volume of
water in lakes. A shift to a more arid climate causes
a reduction in water supply and an increase in eva-
poration and the result is a fall in the lake level.
Wetter climatic conditions mean that rivers supply
more water, evaporation is reduced and the lake
level consequently rises. These base-level fluctuations
can be of greater magnitude than global eustasy, and
accommodation in the fluvial and lacustrine deposi-
tional systems within the basin is also determined by
tectonic subsidence. In areas of accumulation of
wind-blown sand accommodation is controlled by
the level of the water table as it limits the extent of
wind deflation (Kocurek 1996).
It is perhaps a consequence of the relatively recent
development of the concepts involved in sequence
stratigraphy that there is not general agreement on
definitions and terminology amongst those applying it
to field and subsurface geology. A summary of the
history and development of models, conceptual
approaches and methods in sequence stratigraphy is
provided in Nystuen (1998). Schemes that place the
sequence boundary in a completely different part of
the cycle, such as the ‘genetic sequence’ approach of
Galloway (1989) in which the ‘sequence boundary’ is
placed at the maximum flooding surface, have fallen
out of favour. The approach presented in this chapter
is based partly on the original ‘Exxon model’ devel-
oped as a tool for analysis of subsurface stratigraphy
seen on seismic reflection profiles (Payton 1977; Vail
et al. 1977; Jervey 1988) and later extended to sedi-
mentary successions (Van Wagoner et al. 1988,
1990). Revisions to these models presented by Coe
(2003) and Cateneaunu (2006) have been incorpo-
rated, and some of the original ideas from the Exxon
scheme, such as the concept of ‘type 1 and type 2’
sequences, depending on whether there was erosion
at the sequence boundary (type 1) or not (type 2),
have not been explored. As noted in section 23.2.2
there are various approaches used in the analysis of
events during sea-level fall, particularly the problem
of where to place a sequence boundary in a setting
where there is continuous deposition on the margin
(e.g. Hunt & Tucker 1990; Posamentier & Morris
2000). The shoreline trajectory concept, which is
summarised in Helland-Hansen & Martinsen (1996),
provides an alternative way of treating stratal rela-
tionships (particularly on seismic reflection profiles)
that is based on considering the relative rates of crea-
tion/reduction of accommodation and sediment sup-
ply along with the physiography of the margin.
Different approaches are best suited to particular
situations, depending on the scale of investigation
and the geological setting, and no single scheme can
be considered to be ideal for all circumstances.
368 Sequence Stratigraphy and Sea-level Changes