a forced regression may be distinguished from a simple
regression by evidence of erosion in the coastal and
shallowest marine deposits: as sea level falls, the river
may have to erode the older coastal deposits as it cuts a
new path to the shoreline. However, this may not
always happen, and depends on rates of sediment sup-
ply and the slope of the foreshore/shoreface.
23.1.4 The concept of accommodation
Sediment will be deposited in places where there is
space available to accumulate material: this is the
concept of accommodation (or accommodation
space) and its availability is determined by changes
in relative sea level (Muto & Steel 2000). In shallow
marine environments an increase in relative sea level
creates accommodation that is then filled up with
sediment until an equilibrium profile is reached. The
equilibrium profile is a notional surface of deposi-
tion relative to sea level and sedimentation occurs on
any point in the shallow marine environment until
this surface is reached: any material deposited above
the surface is reworked by processes such as waves
and tidal currents. The equilibrium profile is at differ-
ent positions relative to sea level in different environ-
ments: in the foreshore it is at sea level, in the
shoreface a few metres below sea level and then pro-
gressively deeper through further offshore.
Accommodation in shallow marine environments is
created by any mechanism that results in a relative rise
in sea level, including eustatic sea-level rise, tectonic
subsidence and compaction of sea-floor sediments.
Accommodation is reduced by the addition of sediment
to fill the space or by tectonic or eustatic mechanisms
that lower the relative sea level. The rate of change of
accommodation is determined by the relative rates of
relative sea-level change and sediment supply. Deposits
in places where there has been a relative sea-level fall
will often be eroded, and this can be considered to be a
condition where there is negative accommodation.
The ideas of accommodation and equilibrium pro-
files can also be applied to fluvial environments. A
mature river will erode in its upper tracts and deposit
in the downstream parts until it develops an equili-
brium profile, whereby the main channel is neither
eroding nor depositing. Under these conditions erosion
still continues in the hillslopes above the main channel
valley, but sediment is carried through the river down
to the sea. This profile may be disturbed by a fall in sea
level that creates negative accommodation along part
of the profile, resulting in erosion, or by sea-level rise
generating accommodation that allows sediment to
accumulate in the channels and overbank areas until
it returns to the equilibrium position.
The concept can also be applied to non-marine
systems such as lakes and river systems feeding
them, where it is the level of the water in the lake
that determines the amount of accommodation avail-
able. In the following discussion, accommodation is
considered in terms of relative sea level, and deposi-
tional systems described are either marine or have
marine connections. The same principles can be
applied to lacustrine systems and the deposits of
large lakes can be considered in terms of relative
changes in the lake level. Global eustasy does not
directly control the level of water in lakes, but climatic
controls are important because the balance between
precipitation/run-off and evaporation determines the
amount of water in the lake and hence its level.
23.1.5 Rates of sea-level change
and sediment supply
In a previous section it was stated that if there is a
relative sea-level rise, the shoreline will move land-
wards. In fact, this is not necessarily the case: if the
rate at which sediment is supplied is greater than the
rate at which the sea level is rising, then the shoreline
will still move seawards. Similarly, if the rate of sedi-
ment supply and the rate of sea-level rise are in bal-
ance, the shoreline position does not change
(Fig. 23.2d). Several different situations can be envi-
saged when the sea level is rising (either due to sub-
sidence or eustatic sea-level rise) which give rise to
different stratal geometries (Fig. 23.3).
I If the rate of sediment supply is very low then the
shoreline will move landward without deposition
occurring and with the possibility of erosion.
II With moderate sedimentation rates, but high rates
of sea-level rise, deposition will occur as the shoreline
moves landward.
III If it is a higher sedimentation rate, then as fast as
the sea level rises the space is filled up with sediment
and the shoreline stays in the same place.
IV At high sedimentation rates, the shoreline will still
move seawards, even though the sea level is rising.
V During periods when the sea level is static the addi-
tion of sediment causes the shoreline to shift seawards.
354 Sequence Stratigraphy and Sea-level Changes