The creation of the topography of the continental
land surface is fundamentally controlled by plate tec-
tonic processes and mantle behaviour but surface pro-
cesses, particularly erosion, play an important role in
modifying the landscape. Climate plays an important
role in weathering and erosion processes, and hence
there is a climatic control on the interaction between
erosion and tectonics (Burbank & Pinter 1999).
Denudation results in the removal of material from
the uplifted bedrock and this reduces the mass of
material in these areas. This removal of mass results
in isostatic uplift. This process occurring in rela-
tively rigid crust overlying mobile mantle is analo-
gous to a block of ice floating on water: 10% of the
ice will be above the water level, but if some of the
exposed ice is removed from the top, the whole block
will move up in the water so that there is still 10% of
the mass above the water line. In mountain belts,
there is an underlying mass of thickened crust that
forms a bulge or root down into the mantle: erosion of
material from the top results in an isostatic readjust-
ment and the whole crustal mass moving upwards
(Fig. 6.13). Rates of denudation tend to be greater in
areas of steep relief, and as a mountain belt grows, the
steep topography created by tectonic uplift is subject
to large amounts of erosion. Once the tectonic uplift
ceases, surface processes start to reduce the topogra-
phy. Through time, denudation followed by isostatic
readjustment would remove mass from the top until
the base of the root becomes level with the rest of the
crust around. In this way, the mountains of an oro-
genic belt can be completely obliterated as denudation
reduces the area to normal crustal thickness.
However, denudation does not occur evenly and it is
possible to envisage an apparently paradoxical situa-
tion whereby denudation actually causes uplift. If the
initial topography created is a large plateau, erosion
will start by rivers incising into the plateau and remov-
ing mass from the valleys, but without significant ero-
sion of the areas between them. The mass of the area
will be reduced, and so isostatic uplift of the whole
plateau occurs, including the areas between the rivers
that have not been denuded (Fig. 6.13). This denuda-
tion-related uplift will continue until the valleys
expand and the interfluve areas start to become eroded
as fast as the valleys themselves.
Climate may control rates of denudation, but in
turn the climate in an area can be determined by
the presence of topography. A mountain belt may
create a rain shadow effect (Fig. 6.14), as moisture-
laden air is forced upwards and generates rainfall on
the upwind side of the range: the winds that pass over
the mountains are then dry, resulting in a more arid
climate on the downwind side. This orographic effect
results in a sharp climatic division across a mountain
range, and hence a difference in the amount of
erosion on either side.
From the foregoing it can be appreciated that the form
of Earth’s surface now (and at any time in the past) is as
much a product of surface processes as tectonic forces,
and that the two systems operate via a series of feedback
mechanisms that influence each other. For example, it
has been suggested that the creation of the Himalayas
caused a change in weather patterns in Asia, strength-
ening the Asian monsoon, the pattern of intense season-
al rainfall across southern Asia (Raymo & Ruddiman
1992). This resulted in increased erosion of the Hima-
layas that triggered isostatic uplift. To the north, the
Tibetan plateau lies in the rain-shadow of this weather
system, and is a much drier area with less erosion: the
Land plants
Flowering plants
Fig. 6.12 The development of land plants through time:
grasses, which are very effective at binding soil and stabilis-
ing the land surface, did not become widespread until the
Tectonics and Denudation 99