Relief tends to be greatest in areas that are under-
going uplift due to tectonic activity and thermal dom-
ing due to hot-spots in the mantle (Kearey & Vine
1996; Fowler 2005). Rejuvenation of the landscape
by uplift occurs mainly around plate boundaries, par-
ticularly convergent margins such as orogenic belts.
In tectonically stable areas the relief is subdued due to
weathering and erosion resulting in a low, gentle
topography. The cratonic centres of continental plates
are typically regions of low relief and hence rates of
denudation are low.
6.6.2 Climate controls on denudation
Chemical weathering processes are affected by factors
that control the rate and the pathway of the reactions.
First, water is essential to all chemical weathering
processes and hence these reactions are suppressed
where water is scarce (e.g. in deserts). Temperature
is also important, because most chemical reactions
are more vigorous at higher temperatures; hot cli-
mates therefore favour chemical weathering. Finally,
water chemistry affects the reactions: the presence of
acids enhances hydrolysis and dissolved oxidising
agents facilitate oxidation reactions (Einsele 2000).
The rates and efficiency of the reactions vary with
different bedrock types.
Rates of erosion are climatically controlled because
the availability of water is important to the removal of
regolith by sheetwash and the extent to which rivers
and streams erode soil and bedrock. Temperature is
also significant: the presence of ice is important in
mountains because wet-based, rapidly moving gla-
ciers are more efficient at moving detritus than rivers.
Denudation rates are therefore related to climatic
regime, and general patterns can be recognised in
each of the main global climate belts.
Wet tropical regions
In hot, wet, tropical areas, chemical weathering is
enhanced because of the higher temperatures and
abundance of water. Bedrock in these areas is typi-
cally deeply weathered and highly altered at the sur-
face: seemingly resistant lithologies such as granite
are reduced to quartz grains and clay as the feldspars
and other silicate minerals are altered by surface
weathering processes. In general, chemical weather-
ing results in fine-grained detritus and partial solution
of the bedrock. High rainfall gives rise to high dis-
charge in streams, although the dense permanent
vegetation in these settings reduces soil erosion by
surface water, even on quite steep slopes.
Arid subtropical regions
The limited availability of water in arid regions means
that chemical weathering processes are subdued.
The bedrock is frequently barren of soil or vegetation
cover, so when rainfall does occur it has little residence
time on the land surface, and hence little time for
chemical alteration to take place. Mechanical break-
down can be significant, especially in desert regions
where cold nights and warm days promote freeze–
thaw action, using whatever water is available. Exfo-
liation also occurs as a result of temperature changes.
However, the absence of soil and vegetation means
that infrequent but violent rainstorms can be very
effective at removing surface detritus: flash-floods
carry higher amounts of detritus than equivalent
volumes of water occurring steadily over a longer
time. Fine-grained debris is removed from the regolith
by wind ablation, which is significant in barren
desert areas.
Polar and cold mountain regions
Chemical weathering is less significant in cold, dry
regions where chemical reactions are slower. In
these areas physical weathering processes are more
effective, although these too rely on the presence of
water. The products of weathering in cold mountains
are typically debris of the bedrock, broken up but with
little or no change in the mineral composition. A
granite breaks down into gravel clasts, plus grains of
quartz, feldspar and other rock-forming minerals.
Most of the products of physical weathering are
hence coarse material with little clay generated or
solution of the rock. Mountain glaciers are very
powerful agents of erosion as they move downslope
over rock, but in polar regions the ice is permanently
frozen to bedrock and erosion due to glacial action
is minimal (Chapter 7). Periglacial regions (areas
that border glaciers) have a seasonal cover of snow
that melts in the summer months. However, the
ground may remain frozen at depths of a few metres
all year round (permafrost – 7.4.4) and water
accumulating near the surface may eventually
96 Continents: Sources of Sediment