become well-rounded, or even very well-rounded.
Grain roundness is therefore a characteristic that
can easily be seen in hand specimen using a hand
lens, or will be evident under the microscope if a
thin-section is cut of an aeolian sandstone. Inspection
using a hand lens reveals another feature, which is
more obvious if the grains are examined by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) (2.4.4): the grain surfaces
will have a dull, matt appearance that under high
magnification is a frosting of the rounded surface.
This is a further consequence of the impacts suffered
during transport and grain surface frosting is also a
characteristic of aeolian processes. Aeolian dust
shows similar grain characteristics but features on
these sizes of grains can be recognised only if viewed
under the high magnifications of an SEM.
A wind blowing at a relatively steady velocity can
transport grains only up to a particular size threshold
(Nickling 1994), and large, heavier grains are left
behind. Grains close to the threshold for transport
are carried as bedload and deposited as ripples and
dunes (4.3.1 & 4.3.2), whereas finer grains remain in
suspension and are carried away. This effective and
selective separation of grains during transport means
that aeolian deposits are typically well-sorted (2.5).
Sands in dunes are normally fine to medium grained,
with no coarser grains present and most of the finer
grains winnowed away by the wind. This winnowing
effect, the selective removal of finer grains from the
sediment in a flow, also occurs in water flows, but is
more effective in the lower density and viscosity med-
ium of air.
A clastic deposit that consists of only sand-sized
material, which is well sorted and with well-rounded
grains, is considered to be texturally mature (2.5.3).
Aeolian sandstones are, in fact, one of very few
instances where granulometric analysis (2.5.1) pro-
vides useful information about the depositional envi-
ronment of the deposit. There is, however, a need for
caution when using petrographic characteristics
alone as an indicator of environment of deposition.
Consider an area of bedrock made up of sandstone
deposited in a desert tens or hundreds of millions of
years ago. After deposition it was buried and lithified,
then uplifted and eroded. The sand that is being
weathered off this bedrock will have the characteris-
tics of the deposits of an aeolian environment, but is
presently being transported and deposited by streams
and rivers in a very different climatic and depositional
setting. In these circumstances the sands have fea-
tures that have been inherited from the earlier stage,
or cycle, of deposition (2.5.4).
8.3.2 Composition of aeolian deposits
The abrasive effect of grain impacts during aeolian
transport also has an effect on the grain types found
in wind-blown deposits. When a relatively hard
mineral, such as quartz, collides with a less robust
mineral, for example mica, the latter will tend to
suffer more damage. Abrasion during transport by
wind therefore selectively breaks down the more labile
grains, that is, the ones more susceptible to change. A
mixture of different grain types becomes reduced to a
grain assemblage that consists of very resistant
minerals such as quartz and similarly robust lithic
fragments such as chert. Other common minerals,
for example feldspar, are likely to be less common in
aeolian sandstones, and weak grains such as mica are
very rare. A deposit with this grain assemblage is
considered to be compositionally mature (2.5.3), and
this is a common characteristic of aeolian sandstone.
Most modern and ancient wind-deposited sands are
quartz arenites.
In places where loose carbonate material is exposed
on beaches, the sand-sized and finer sediment can be
transported and redeposited by the wind. If the wind
direction is onshore, wind-blown carbonate sands can
accumulate and build up dune bedforms. Dunes built
up of carbonate detritus have many of the same char-
acteristics as a quartz-sand dune, and are several
metres high with slip faces dipping at around 308
creating large-scale cross-bedding. The clasts may be
ooids, bioclasts or pellets, depending upon what is
available on the beach, and are well-rounded and
well-sorted; if the clasts are bioclastic they will com-
monly have a relatively low density, so wind-blown
grains may be very coarse sand or granule size. Wind-
blown carbonates may accumulate in temperate as
well as tropical settings: they are most commonly
found near to coasts, but may also occur tens of kilo-
metres inland. Loose carbonate grains on land are
subject to wetting by the rain and subsequent drying
in the s un; this leads to loc al dissolution and re-
precipitation of carbonate, which results in rapid
formation of cements and lithification of the sedi-
ment. Aeolian carbonate deposits are therefore more
stable features than dunes made of quartz sand.
Lithified wind-blown carbonate deposits are termed
Characteristics of Wind-blown Particles 117