6.3 Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics 169
l +1
− 2(l +1)lny. (6.53)
In this realization the hamiltonian h
is identical in form to h
but with the
constant l(l + 1) replaced with (l + 1)(l + 2), so that
− h
2(l +1)
. (6.54)
This implies that for each l the eigenstates of h
are R
(y) where in this
case n ≥ 2.
We now consider a possible physical interpretation for these equations.
For l = 0 the boson sector describes the s orbitals of a hydrogen atom. Since
the spectrum of h
is degenerate with that of h
except for the ground
state and since the supersymmetry generator Q acts on the radial part of
the hydrogen wavefunctions but leaves the spherical harmonics untouched,
describes a physical system that appears hydrogenic but that has the
1s orbitals absent or unavailable. This situation is attained by considering
that the 1s orbital is full, thereby placing the valence electron in the 2s and
2p states. The element with a filled 1s orbital and one valence electron is
lithium. This suggests that h
can be interpreted as an effective one-body
hamiltonian describing the valence electron of lithium when it occupies the s
orbitals. This description can only be approximate since the electron–electron
interactions are ignored. These can be introduced as supersymmetry-breaking
terms. Even in the absence of such terms, one can claim some experimental
support for this atomic supersymmetry as discussed in Ref. [291].
By repeating the argument defining the energy of the 2s orbital in lithium
to be zero, the hamiltonian h
becomes a suitable choice for a bosonic hamil-
tonian to apply a second supersymmetric transformation. The fermionic part-
ner can be constructed and an analogous interpretation to the one above can
be made. This suggests that the s orbitals of lithium and sodium should also
be viewed as supersymmetric partners. The process can be repeated for s
orbitals and can also be applied for other values of the orbital angular mo-
mentum quantum number l, leading to supersymmetric connections among
atoms and ions across the periodic table. In the exact-symmetry limit these
connections all involve integer shifts in l and are linked to the Pauli principle.
We shall not further pursue this example in detail but rather refer the reader
to the original references [290, 291, 292, 293].
The formalism of SQM has also been applied in the fields of condensed-
matter [294, 295] and statistical physics [300, 301] as well as in problems as-
sociated with random magnetic fields in Ising-like models, polymers, electron
localization in disordered media and ferromagnets [302, 303]. We also mention
the relationship between SQM and stochastic differential equations such as
the Langevin equation [304], the path integral formulation of SQM first given
in Ref. [305] and the SQM analysis of the tunneling rate through double-well
barriers which is of much interest in molecular physics [306, 307, 308].