124 4 Symmetries with Neutrons and Protons
first idea of properties of MS states in well-deformed nuclei, the appropri-
ate starting point is the F-spin symmetric SU(3) limit [225] of the IBM-2
introduced in the previous section. In this limit, the lowest MS state has
spin–parity J
and is characterized by a strong M1 transition to the
ground state, with a B(M1) value of about 1 μ
[see Eq. (4.26)]. Since dipole
transitions from the even–even ground state are the main excitation mecha-
nism in NRF, this technique is very well suited for the search of 1
MS states.
Moreover, if the branching ratios are known, the excitation cross-section can
be used to determine the lifetime of the populated state. The main experi-
mental problem of NRF is to distinguish between electric dipole excitation,
populating 1
states, and magnetic dipole excitation, populating the 1
states of interest here. This problem was solved by combining results with
those of (e,e
) scattering in the original experiment by Bohle et al. [232].
An essential element of the latter experiment was the detection of inelasti-
cally scattered electrons at very backward angles where magnetic excitations
are dominant. In
Gd a 1
state was observed at 3.075 MeV excited with
a B(M1; 0
→ 1
) value of 1.5 μ
. The existence of this state was later
confirmed by a NRF experiment [233].
Extensive studies with the (e,e
) [234] and (γ, γ
) [235] reactions over
the last 20 years led to the systematic discovery of 1
MS states in most
stable, deformed nuclei [236]. However, only MS states with spin–parity 1
could be clearly observed although strongly fragmented in most cases. Other
MS states are difficult to identify [237]. The reason is that the excitation
probability from the ground state to other excited MS states is small in the
reactions used and also because the MS state just above 1
has spin–parity
and typically is the 10th excited 2
state. This renders its population with
most reactions very unlikely and leads to fragmentation over several states
due to the very high level density in deformed nuclei.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that a scissors mode was observed recently
in Bose–Einstein condensates [238] which illustrates the general character of
this mode in two-component systems.
4.4.2 Mixed-Symmetry States in Near-Spherical Nuclei
While there is ample evidence for 1
scissors states in deformed nuclei, only
a few MS states have been identified in non-rotational nuclei. For these nuclei
the appropriate starting point can be the F -spin symmetric U(5) or SO(6)
limit [225] of IBM-2. In both cases the lowest MS state has spin–parity 2
and it decays with weak E2 and strong M1 transitions to the normal states.
Therefore, there is no clear experimental signature for the excitation of this
state from the ground state, like it is the case for the scissors state in deformed
nuclei. On the other hand, the advantage of nearly spherical (as compared to
deformed) nuclei is their lower level density; as a result, the 2
MS state is
expected to be the third-to-sixth excited 2
state. In the mid-1980s Hamilton
et al. proposed several candidates based on measured E2/M1 mixing ratios