136 5 Supersymmetries with Neutrons and Protons
and odd-mass members of the quartet, the representations Γ of two different
subalgebras of U
) ⊗ U
) may become identical (Γ
= Γ
for all
levels) and therefore only the sum of parameters κ
+ κ
can be deduced
from the experiment. Nevertheless, if a sufficient number of levels is known
in the even–even and odd-mass nuclei, one is able to determine all parame-
ters κ
and hence to predict unambiguously the structure of the odd–odd
nucleus. This situation should be contrasted with supersymmetry between
doublets of nuclei as discussed in Chap. 3. In that case, the even–even spec-
trum necessarily depends on certain sums κ
+ κ
only, which precludes
an unambiguous prediction of the odd-mass spectrum. In extended super-
symmetry between quartets of nuclei, the boson–boson and boson–fermion
interactions deduced for the even–even and odd-mass members, uniquely de-
termine the interaction between the neutron and the proton fermion. This
leads to the most clear-cut experimental test of supersymmetry in atomic nu-
clei, of importance not only for nuclear physics but also for other conceivable
applications of supersymmetry in physics where experimental verification so
far is unavailable. In addition, extended supersymmetry concerns odd–odd
nuclei which are highly complex and for which other theoretical approaches
are often difficult to apply.
We emphasize once more that the concept of supersymmetry does not re-
quire the existence of a dynamical symmetry. In the context of the neutron–
proton IBM, supersymmetry adopts the direct product (5.1) as the dynami-
cal algebra for a quartet consisting of an even–even, even–odd, odd–even and
odd–odd nucleus. Nevertheless, dynamical supersymmetry has the distinct
advantage of immediately suggesting the form of the quartet’s hamiltonian
and operators, while the weaker form of generalized supersymmetry does not
provide such a recipe for these operators. Also, wave functions are indepen-
dent of the parameters of a hamiltonian with dynamical (super)symmetry
and this property is not valid any longer for the generalized case.
5.2 Examples of Extended Supersymmetries
The SO(6) limit of U
(6/12) ⊗ U
(6/4) was the first proposed example of a
dynamical-symmetry limit in an extended supersymmetry [257]. It combines
the U(6/12) scheme [175] for the neutrons, with that of U(6/4) [183] for the
protons, both described in Chap. 3. These classifications can be combined at
the SO(6) level, using the isomorphism between SO
(6) and SU
The neutron and proton single-particle spaces are such that the scheme is
applicable to the Pt–Au region where the odd neutron predominantly occu-
pies the ν3p
, ν3p
and ν2f
orbits of the 82–126 shell, while the odd
proton is mostly in the π2d
orbit of the 50–82 shell.
The four nuclei in the supermultiplet shown in Fig. 5.1 are described by
a single hamiltonian which reads