118 4 Symmetries with Neutrons and Protons
For the present purpose we highlight the two main features of the IBM-2.
The first is that the existence of two kinds of bosons offers the possibility to
assign an F-spin quantum number to them, F =1/2, the boson being in
two possible charge states with M
= −1/2 for neutrons and M
for protons [89]. Formally, F spin is defined by the algebraic reduction
U(12) ⊃ U(6) ⊗ U(2)
↓↓ ↓
[N][N −f, f][N − f,f]
, (4.25)
and with 2F the difference between the Young-tableau labels that charac-
terize U(6) or U(2), F =[(N − f) − f]/2=(N − 2f)/2. The algebra U(12)
consists of the generators b
, with ρ, ρ
= ν or π, which also includes
operators that change a neutron boson into a proton boson or vice versa
(ρ = ρ
). Under this algebra U(12) bosons behave symmetrically; as a result
the representations of U(6) and U(2) are identical.
The mathematical structure of F spin is entirely similar to that of isospin.
An F-spin SU(2) algebra [which is a subalgebra of U(2) in (4.25)] can be de-
fined which consists of the diagonal operator F
+ N
)/2 and the
raising and lowering operators F
that transform neutron bosons into proton
bosons or vice versa. These are the direct analogs of the isospin generators T
and T
and they can be defined in an entirely similar fashion (see Sect. 1.1.6).
The physical meaning of F spin and isospin is different, however: the mapping
onto the IBM-2 of a shell-model hamiltonian with isospin symmetry does not
necessarily yield an F -spin conserving hamiltonian. Conversely, an F -spin
conserving IBM-2 hamiltonian may or may not have eigenstates with good
isospin. In fact, if the neutrons and protons occupy different shells, so that
the bosons are defined in different shells, then any IBM-2 hamiltonian has
eigenstates that correspond to shell-model states with good isospin, irrespec-
tive of its F -spin symmetry character. If, on the other hand, neutrons and
protons occupy the same shell, a general IBM-2 hamiltonian does not lead to
states with good isospin. The isospin symmetry violation is particularly sig-
nificant in nuclei with approximately equal numbers of neutrons and protons
(N ∼ Z) and requires the consideration of IBM-3, discussed in the previous
section. As the difference between the numbers of neutrons and protons in
the same shell increases, an approximate equivalence of F spin and isospin is
recovered [222] and the need for IBM-3 disappears.
Just as isobaric multiplets of nuclei are defined through the connection
implied by the raising and lowering operators T
, F -spin multiplets can be
defined through the action of F
[226]. The states connected are in nuclei with
+ N
constant; these can be isobaric (constant nuclear mass number A)
or may differ by multiples of α particles, depending on whether the neutron
and proton bosons are of the same or of a different type (which refers to their
particle- or hole-like character).
There exists also a close analogy between F spin and I spin, the particle–
hole boson exchange symmetry discussed in Sect. 2.2.4. While the F -spin